Monsters are Real.

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We had arrived at out next location, lucky for us our lockdown was 1hr out from Vegas. An old inn, Minto Inn. I've heard about their haunting and it seems such like a surreal place, formally known back in the day as a brothel then a Inn and now it is lived in by a family.

"Hey guys I'm Zak, this is my crew Jay, Billy, Aaron and Tyler." Zak gave the owner warm welcome.

"I'm Tina, this is Pete and Anna my kids. No father." She winked at Zak. I couldn't help but snort and laugh.

"I'm sorry." I stood behind Aaron who was too laughing but I'm sure he was laughing at me.

"C'mon in y'all, Pete go get some water for our guest. Can't have you thirsty now baby" she pouted at Zak and lead him in the house.

We all followed, as soon as I walked in the vibe was just off. It wasn't safe, I don't understand how Tina could raise the kids in this house. They were you young and vulnerable, the little girl had bruises all up her legs that she tried to hide but she could cover them all.

"What happened to your daughter?" Zak questioned Tina.

"She's been attacked at night, I believe that the men who knew this place as a brothel might see my daughter as one of those girls. It taunts her, I sometimes have to sleep with her and all she does is scream." Tina had a tear slipping from her eye, we all turned to see Anna who hid behind the lounge. "Anna! Don't be shy! Look can we do the interview without the kids, I don't want them to be around it." Tina asked.

"I'm sorry. You'll have them sleep here, poor Anna is getting attacked continuously but you now don't want them here? What are you going to tell us that they don't know already?" I scoffed.

"I'm trying to protect my kids." Tina fought back.

"Protect? To protect them fucking move!" I charged towards her but Zak caught me, his hands wrapped around my waist so easily. It was comforting.

"Maybe wait outside Tyler? We won't be too long." I looked at Tina who had a shit eating grin on her horrific plastic face. I glared at Zak and stormed away.

I sat outside on a bench watching the house, observing and feeling anything that I could feel.

"Hello" Anna came down and sat besides me. "You're here to help."

"I'm trying. Your mother is making it difficult, I'm Ty by the way." I put my hand out and she shook it.

"It's a scary house. It comes alive at night. Mum doesn't see it, she is always with friends or has company." Anna played with the dead grass, she would occasionally look up but once her eyes connected with the house she'd look away.

"Would you tell me what happens? What do you feel?" I pointed at her leg.

"The black man just grunts when he comes in my room, he is cold. He doesn't take no for an answer." She swallowed hard, her hands were practically ripping the grass out from the ground.

"Does he harm your brother?"

"He stops my brother from helping me. One night he dragged me out of bed and Pete tried to help but he couldn't move. He said the red eyes had him, Pete ran away one night. He said the red eyes had a plan for him."

I closed my eyes and gasped. Not red eyes, not another demonic entity.

"Pete won't talk about the red eyes, our dad used to talk about the red eyes. Our mum would say he lies but really when you think about it, mum lies." Anna was confident and knew what she was going on about. But her brother Pete, was fascinating to me and their dad, he made me think of John.

"You maybe should leave the house? Any family you could stay with?" I gave her a hug to comfort her.

"No. I've just got mum and Pete." She stood up, glaring up at the house. "There's a monster in there." She slipped away and headed down the river to where Pete headed.

Zak's POV.

"Maybe wait outside Tyler? We won't be too long." I had to let go of Tyler, I needed her out of this house before she was going to kill Tina.

Tyler glared at me before she stormed off, her gift was so extraordinary and I needed her here during the walk through but she was too angry to carry on.

"The kids sleep here, this is where the dark figure hangs out. Anna doesn't talk much about what happens, all I notice is her change of moods and bruises." Tina sat on the bed and hugged a dress of Anna's. "Pete doesn't even talk either. Something's going on and I can't help my children." She began to cry, I continued to film her reacting to it all.

"My old boyfriend believed in the red eyes that we all see around here." She sniffled.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Aaron who's eyes were out of his head. "Bro, red eyes" he whispered to me.

I knew what he was hinting at, Tyler. Is this another location that Tyler would have to be extra careful?

"You say red eyes Tina, what do you think could be here?" I sat next to Tina comforting her.

"I want to say the devil but out of all haunted places why me, why my house and why my kids." She looked at me in the eye hoping I could answer her but I couldn't.


We wrapped up all interviews, the guys and I stood outside discussing the lockdown for tomorrow night. If there's red eyes I want visual evidence, if there's reports on bruises I want to leave this place marked.

"Do we tell Tyler about the red eyes?" Aaron spoke.

"Ofcourse we have to!" Billy exclaimed. "She's going to lose herself again, she's going to freak again. How come someone with such a gift be so afraid?" He was puzzled with himself, he took a seat to think about it.

"Maybe she's been apart of something, she seems fine with investigating but when red eyes come up I'm with you Bill, I don't know how she is afraid." I took a seat with Bill.

"Know her childhood then you'll understand what the red eyes mean to her." Aaron spoke up. We all turned our heads to him, he knew something. "Ssh she's coming." He hissed.

"Well anyone wanna tell me how the interviews went since I was kicked out?" She rested her hands on her hips.

"Not much, the kids wouldn't talk to us. Tina doesn't experience as much as they do, there is something here though that might shake up a little." Here we go, I took a deep breath.

"Red eyes." She guessed. "Lucky for me I got to speak to Anna." She flipped her head around and headed to the RV.

"Damn she's good." I whispered.

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