A Gift Forever.

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Zak's POV.

We stood around looking like idiots. She was pregnant, Tyler was pregnant, with my baby. And I know it's mine, the dates match up and I never wore protection.


"Do we..." Aaron begun to spoke but stopped once I glared at him. I didn't want to hear a word out of their mouths.

"Zak.." Bill tried to give it a shot but I glared at him too causing him to bow his head.

What do I do now? Firstly I need an ice pack for my face, can't believe she hit me. She has a good swing on her.

"Lockdown is over. Send the tapes in and we're done. I want put Ghost Adventures on hold too, until we sort this shit out." I looked at them all, looking sad and worried. I scoffed and stormed back inside.

I made my way to my office and locked myself in, I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to move. In all honesty I wanted to be ten feet under ground, I couldn't father a kid and I have reasons.

My relationship with my father isn't perfect, he was no where near being crowed 'father of the year.'

Ty and me are nothing, we could've been but we're nothing. Though she's someone I haven't been able to get out of my head, every day I fuelled by her. Her smile, her laugh, he gentle eyes. Just her.

"No!" I threw my book across the room. I liked Ty, so fucking much but now things are ruined.

I heard a knock come from my door. "Go away." I grunted.

"Zak. It's Bill, look man we're all here for you." I guess he was waiting for a reply or thanks but I sat silent.

"Don't get mad not even angry. Things happen for a reason Zak you know this, nothing is accidental. Things happen." He continued to talk. "We're all going home. Please don't do anything stupid."

My face slowly eased, I wanted to thank Billy but I ran out of time as she left the building.

"What do I do now?"

Tyler's POV.

"Pregnant!" We had gotten back to Matt's house and he was still yelling at me.

"Matt! Yes. Pregnant, P R E G N A N T." I spelled it out for him like he was some child.

"Tyler what in the actual fuck. Are you okay? When did you find out?" He sat besides me, finally calming down.

"The other day, I'm 6 weeks. The first two times we slept together, his sperm is pretty good." I laughed at myself then threw my head down. "We didn't even fuck that much!" I yelled.

"Are you keeping it?" He slowly asked.

It felt like the seconds dragged, everything was in slow motion. I hadn't thought that far ahead, would I keep the baby? Bring it up? Will Zak eventually accept us or pay child support? This baby might grow up without a daddy.

"I-yes." I swallowed.

"Tyler--" Matt was stopped by a knock at the door. "We'll discuss this more." He got up and answered the door.

I headed to the bathroom to make a bath.

"Aaron?" I heard Matt talk.

"How is she? Tell me she is here?" I heard Aaron panic.

"Yea she's here man but having a bath. What do you want? To force her not to have it?"

"Dude. I love Ty like a sister. I want to be there for her, God you know she needs support." Aaron was practically begging.

"Look I'll let her know you dropped by okay." I heard the door locked and footsteps approach me.

"Matt" I exhaled. "Please don't let any of them know about me, nothing. Not even the progression of the baby. They'll only tell Zak."

"Are you sure? You want to end all communication from him?" He grabbed my phone. "Finished?"

"Do it. I'm done."

Matt dropped my phone into the toilet and flushed it... four times.


It was around 3am, Matt was snoring his head off, the Vegas life was in full force tonight with people partying.

And here I was curled up on the spare bed anxious about my every next move. I will have the baby, I will provide for the baby. I'm going to have to move into my own home, get a normal job. I'm going to be a mum.

"Fuck." I hissed.

I can do this. There are other people out there becoming single mothers, if they can do it I can. I held my belly and made a promise.

"I promise to love you every day, every minute and every second. I will shield you from the hate and show you the love, I will do anything for you." Was I already becoming too attached? "Mummy loves you and maybe one day your daddy will too."

I was going to get myself sorted tomorrow, embrace this new journey life has given me. At least I'll have a part of Zak forever, I'll always have his child.

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