Till We Get It Right.

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I didn't want to tell Zak nor did I want to even speak to him. But he got the worst out of me and I spilled. What's worse, he looked genuinely heartbroken.

He's a good liar Ty.

I grunted in the alley way behind the studio, the rain started to come down slowly. I stood in the rain crying, I was cold and sad.

"Tyler!" Zak's voice emerged from behind me. His hand held out an umbrella. "Don't run."

"Go away Zak. I don't want to speak to you." I looked away from him even though I wanted to grab that umbrella and run with it.

"No talking. Let me get you home? Wherever that is." He gestured the umbrella to me.

"I don't want to go home. The house is full of baby clothes." I shivered. I got under the umbrella and so did Zak, our bodies ignited heat for us both. My body instantly tried to hit in harder to Zak's body, like it was a natural instinct.

"My house then? You're cold. You need a warm bath." He spoke in my neck making me struggle resist him, my lips hoovered near his wanting to kiss him but I know I couldn't.

"Just a warm bath." I looked at his lips. "Just a bath." I repeated.

"What about food? Some company?" He knew I was distracted by him so he locked his lips on purpose making me shiver against him even more. "I'm taking your body language as a yes." He grinned.

"Slowly. We need to take this slowly." He looped his arm around mine and was walked to his car. He was a good head taller than me, I looked up at him with admiring eyes. Despite our past, tonight he was my hero.

"Get in" We both got into his car and he had the seat warmers on."

"Omg" I moaned. "Fuck" I felt like I was having sex, this was good. 

"Hope those are satisfying words." He grinned. "Are we going to talk?"

"Depends." I swallowed. "On what you wanna talk about."

"Us. The baby, when did you find out? Is your bod--" I helped my hand up at his mouth.

"I don't want to discuss us. There's no 'us'. You walked away from the baby and me, there's not point sharing all the details." I crossed my legs and sat in silence. I half was expecting Zak to drop me home but we were still on route to his house.


"You might wanna get changed? You're see through in that dress." Zak spoke with a little stumble. I knew he liked this dress, you could see it in his eyes.

"I prefer not to be in your clothes." I rolled my eyes.

I stood in his lounge room wrapping my arms around me so he wouldn't see my nipples stick out.

"You're cold?" He asked as he watched me fumble with myself.

"Nips give it away?" I smirked at him.

"You holding yourself. Holding your body like that." He gulped. He stood starring at me then broke it, he walked away and came back with a jumper. "Put this over you then."

"Thanks." I caved and thee on the jacket.

"We're really not going to talk?" He scratched his stubble. "About anything?"

"Oh no. We can talk about anything besides us." I smiled and took a seat.

"When did you lose the baby Tyler?" He folded him arms and stood just before me.

"Your house seems bigger" I got up, pushed past him and walked outside.

"Don't abort the question." He followed.

"Where's Gracie?" I looked around but saw no sign of her.

"At my mothers. Goddamn it Tyler!" He kicked a chair across the yard. "Answer me!"

"Forget it Zak." I took off the jacket and gave it back. "Don't be interested now it's too late."

"You're not going anywhere." He hissed. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in making my body slam on his.

"You're such a dick." I spoke in his face. I had to keep saying horrid words to get me not to kiss him.

I wanted to devour every part of him, my body was betraying me and was wrapping my arms around his neck.
I swear I felt my hips start to grind.

"I know you want me." He smirked.

"Always such a cocky bastard?" I raised an eyebrow. In one quick motion Zak gripped my legs and wrapped them around his waist, I felt him grow.

"You want because you know I want you. I fucking want you." He pushed me up against his wall hard and plowed his lips to mine, a slight grunt and his tongue entered my mouth.

This was going to be the 'I miss you' sex.

"I've missed your body" he moaned in my ear. "Every inch, every nail, every hair strand." He elaborated. "We're going to fuck all night until we get it right."

He carried me to his bedroom and laid me on the bed, his hands worked quickly to undress me. I laid naked on his bed, he kneeled on the bed beside me. He ducked his finger than ran it up and I've my body, he defined my curves, took his finger between my thighs teasing me.

His mouth dropped to my nipple where he sucked it hard, biting hard. I know tomorrow I'll bruise and I honestly couldn't wait to see it.

He moved lower down my body and his lips found my entrance, his tongue skimmed he opening then he took me. Tongue diving deep inside me, he grabbed my fingers and made me touch myself. His moist tongue was all over me and I couldn't stop moaning.

He stopped.


"Touch yourself. Let me watch." I did what he said. My fingers continued to rub, Zak took his pants off and started to pull himself off over me. "You taste so good."

"I've missed that." I licked my lips looking at his dick.

"Tell me you want it." He grunted in pleasure.

I did want it and I will have it. I sat up and pushed him down, I straddled him and teased my entrance before pushed his dick completely in me. I took him in, all the way.

"That's it" I coward into his neck, gasping at the pleasure.

"Look at me." His hands pushed my face from his neck, his hand moved to my throat and he held me there. "Ride me."

I cupped my breasts and rode Zak, his hand still on my throat.

I was in euphoria. I hadn't realised I had came and so did Zak, his hands rested over his head and my body flung on top of him. Both out of breath and both speechless.

"Zak-" I gasped.

"Sleep. Ssh. Just sleep." And I did.

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