One Small Detail Missed.

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I woke up throbbing, not my body but between my legs was throbbing. The sun hadn't barely risen. I tossed to see Zak but he wasn't in bed, I saw a peak of light coming from the bathroom so I wrapped a sheet around me and headed into the bathroom.

He was in the bath, his body soaking in an oily bath. I dropped the sheet and climbed in the bath with him.

"Hello there" he brushed my hair out of my face.

"It feels right. This." I laid between his legs and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I still mean what I said." He washed my shoulders. "You own every fucking part of me."

"But what happened-" he stopped me.

"It broke me, you leaving. I took it wrong, so fucking wrong." His hands wandered down my body.

I gulped as his hands brushed my clit. "Zak" I panted.

"Enjoy this." He lifted my legs and spread them, his arms stretched over me and he started to finger me.

"Holy shit!" I called out, Zak was rubbing in full force. The water was starting to splash around.

I got too sensitive and pulled away from Zak, I turned myself over and tried to straddled him but he pushed me down and drove his dick into me.

I clung to his shoulders and dug my nails into him and he thrashed me in the bath. We were making a mess, a huge mess but Zak didn't seem to care. All his focus was on me.

"Come. I know you want to." He continued to fuck me hard. For me personally, I felt like he was making love to me. The way he looked at he, the way he took care of me and they way he held me.

"Shit!" I squealed. I came.


Zak's POV.

From our crazy bath, splashing every where Tyler was back in bed snoring her head off. She looked more beautiful than ever.

I left her to sleep and sat down in the chair next to my bed, I watched her sleep. I had her back and I never wanted to let her go again.

She lost the baby.

She lost our baby and I took it for granted.

I could've had a little boy or girl running around calling 'daddy daddy', sending them to school, watching them grow up.

What if I never had the opportunity again? Tyler and I have been through hell and back, would she still want me like I want her?

I heard a knock. I looked over to Tyler, placed a little a kiss on her hand and answered the door.

"Hey bro" Billy came through holding his laptop and coffee.

"Need help?" I laughed as he tried to juggle. If he had to drop something he'd rather drop his expensive laptops than his coffee. This man was an addict.

"Watch the interview on TV?" He asked as he begun to set up his laptop. "Pretty intense between you two."

"That's us." I sat down. "I missed her."

"I know. Everyone knows, surely everyone who watched the interview could see you and your lover eyes for her." He nudged me. "What happened after she ran off?"

"Zak?" Tyler stood in the door way, in my shirt, yawning.

"Oh" Bill's eyes widen.

"Hey" I rushed to her. "Sshh" I held her. She was awfully clingy.

"My stomach hurts" she groaned.

"Bill start without me" I turned Tyler and headed back down the corridor.

"Zak! The back of Tyler!" Bill stood up.

I looked. Blood. Everywhere.

"Tyler you're bleeding. Bill call the paramedics!" I grabbed and extra sheet and wrapped Tyler up. I scooped her up and heading out to Bill's car. His car was bigger for all of us to fit in. "Bill let's go!"

"Am I going to die?" I sulked.

I laughed to myself, she was a very paranoid woman. "You're going to be fine. You have to." I rubbed her cheek.

"We were having a boy." She closed her eyes and rested her head on my hand. "A mini Zak." She laughed quietly.

"Tyler I love you." I kissed her but got not response. I guess she was asleep.


"Zak Bagans?" Thank fuck! Two hours later waiting like a maniac for Tyler. I sent Bill home and asked him to start reviewing without me. News went quick and Aaron was soon by my side, he was a good friend. No, an amazing friend.

"Yes yes yes!" I called. "She's alive, yes?"

"Sir, she is fine. Just a little abdominal bleeding. Baby isn't settling well, it happens."

Baby. Tyler lost the baby.

"No no no." I grabbed the nurse. "She lost the baby. She was told a few weeks ago! Where's that nurse!" I argued. I started to freak, did Tyler lie? But she had no bump!

"Sir please let go" she exclaimed. I scared her. "I'll go check her previous doctor." Once I lost grip on her she ran off.

I looked over to Tyler who was now tossing her head side to side, she was waking up. Perfect timing.

"You're here. Am I okay?" She smiled then groaned.

"Tyler. Did you lose the baby?" I bent down over her.

"W-why would I lie about that?" She frowned, not understanding where I was coming from.

"Zak" a nurse entered. "I'm Michelle, I dealt with Tyler with her miscarriage."

"What's going on?" Tyler forced herself to sit up.

"It appears there was a fault. Tyler you're still pregnant."

"WHAT!" She screamed.

"We missed the fact you were pregnant with twins, one survived." The doctor looked scared and shocked. "We've never missed a detail like this before, the baby was hiding. That's why you're so small."

"Zak" she looked at me and gasped. Her eyes know what I was thinking, how I was going to react. This time though, she was wrong.

"I'm here for you, for the the both of you." I took her hand and kissed her. "I'll take good care of you."

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