Actions Speak Louder than Words.

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I woke the next morning alone.

"Hm" I scoffed and turned to the other side. "WHOA!" Zak was sitting there watching me sleep.

"Mornin'" he said with the biggest grin on his face.

"Why are you so happy?" I practically growled as I sat up in bed, my heart still racing.

"I believe I'm engaged, we're engaged." He batted his eyes and dove into the bed with me.

"My hubby wouldn't scare me like that, I have a baby you know." I rubbed my belly.

"I love you Ty" he just looked at me the way every girl wants to be looked at. The promising eyes, the affection, the honesty.

So why was I scared?

"What's wrong?" Zak's hand ran along my jaw line.

"I'm going to be sick." I scooted off the bed and into the bathroom. I locked it before I vomited everywhere.

"Babe?" Zak started to frantically bang the door down.

"No. Go away." I continued to hurl up my stomach.

"Ty?" I didn't answer. "Tyler Harper Lowe!"

Oooo my full name.

After a while I came out of the bathroom. "Hey" I kneeled down next to him.

He grunted, he didn't look at me. Zak was a man child, he would play the role as a loving boyfriend, amazing friend and loyal man but he could easily turn it around and become grumpy, rude, selfish and turn into a complete sook.

"I was sick." I scoffed. Today we were heading back home, I took this time now to pack our bags while he ignored me.

"I want to be there for you." He spoke sharply.

I ignored his statement. "Did you have any laundry for me? I'll put it in the laundry bag and do it once I get back."

"Don't push me away" Zak spoke calmly yet his fist were tensed closed and his looks could kill and right now I was in his line of fire.

"It's vomit. Not the end of the world." I rolled my eyes and continued to pack in silence. Zak just sat there until he knew I wasn't backing down, he stood up and grunted. He left the room after his little tantrum, the child man is coming out.


"Last but not least Ty" Bacon cheered as I gave him my bags. "No Zak?"

"Isn't he already on the bus?" I puzzled. Why isn't he here? Where did he go? Shit!

"No he isn't here, you don't know where he went?" Bacons face looked alarmed. "Give me a sec" he pulled out his phone and made a call.

Did I drive Zak away? I felt so guilty.

"Yes. Plane? Seriously? She's here. Okay. I got it! I'll keep them safe. Okay! Zak, stop it! Trust me!" Bacon stared at me this whole time while he was arguing with Zak on the phone. "Bye!"

"All good?" I held my head high not showing any signs that I was about 1 second away form having a melt down, where is Zak?

"Yep." He ushered me on the bus, he took no time in starting the bus and started to head off. "Buckle up." Bacons hands flew over me and strapped me in tight.

"You're suffocating me." I spoke breathless. "I've got it. I'm safe! Geez!" I moved further from Bacon and fixed myself up.

"And safe you stay, both of you or it's my ass." He grunted.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I threw him an evil look.

"Don't you normally sleep during travels?" He shook his head at me and that's where our conversation stopped.

I did what he said and I slept, hard. It's was the best sleep I've had, even bubba was calm.

Geez I need to pick a name for bubba. Not long now..

Zak's POV

"Duuuddddeeeee you're about to shit yourself and don't lie!" Aaron barked a sharp laugh making the other travellers around us stare.

"Stop it." I grunted. I shoved on my hoodie and glasses and waited patiently for our plane to board. Yes that's right, plane.

"You in the dog house or what?" Aaron spoke over my shoulder chewing on his nuts.

"No. I just want to get home before Ty gets home. It's a surprise thing, don't worry about it." I shrugged and continued to hide away from society.

"So you guys didn't fight? Bacon tells another story bro" Aaron chuckled.

"He is texting while driving? He is putting her in danger! WHAT THE FUCK!" I growled, once again getting attention from others. "What are you looking at?" I spoke to a bunch of guys.

"They've stopped for more gas, she wanted to get some air. Apparently all she's done is sleep, Bacon is like highly stressed because of the demands you gave him. He's scared to fuck up." Aaron told me.

"I just want her-- them safe. Ty's having my baby, don't wan Bacon doing anything stupid, I'm not there so I can't protect her or control anything." I shrugged.

"Zak. You trust Bacon, you always trust him. What's happened in the last day that's making you freak?" Aaron pulled us aside out of the line. "What's up?"

"She proposed. I didn't give an answer." I sulked. "I'm the man I should be asking. So I'm here, on a plane racing to get home to buy her a ring and finish the baby's room off." I took a seat, exhausted from everything.

"Baby room?" Aaron sat next to me.

"Cc and mum have been getting it ready and now that she's back we can finally move forward and she can live with me. Live with me in peace, no spirits lingering around, a room ready for us...." Aaron stopped me.

"That's why you brought a new house!" Aaron pointed and yelled. "You are too cute." He gushed.

"All for her. I'm ready to be a husband and a father." I nodded to myself.

"Why didn't you tell her or Bacon?"

"Surprise, to be a surprise. I want Tyler to see I'm doing this for us, for my family. I wanna show her I can be a man of my words, prove myself to her that I'm sticking around for good."

We both looked at each other, no word were said we just sat in silence. Or flight was announced over the PA.

"Ready?" Aaron stood up. "Let's go daddy" he chuckled. It's sounded so good but so wrong when he said it.

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