Just Honesty.

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"Look we need to talk when I'm back. I need to see you." I opened my eyes slightly to see Zak on the phone. "You know where I live. I'll be back in a week so then okay."

It was her, I knew it was.

As Zak turned around I closed my eyes and continued to pretend to be asleep. I could feel myself about to cry but I held it in.

"Oh Tyler" his hand stroked my face. "I'm sorry." He kissed my forehead and got up.

I watched him leave the room, I sat up and cried. The tears were streaming down my face. I didn't understand why I was crying, I told myself not to he involved but there was always that hope that he'd see me the way I see him.

I pulled out my phone and called Matt.

'Tyler babe' he answered the phone quickly. I didn't respond, you could only hear me cry. 'Shit.'

"I-I can't do this. I'm leaving the show." I whispered.

'You can't! You've come so far, don't be stupid and leave.'

"I can't be around Zak. I can't be around him knowing I was just a half time show, his already made plans to hook up with one of his whores when we come home." I kept crying at the thought of it not being me who he'd take home and have anywhere he wants.

'Say it Tyler, out in the open.' He egged me on.

"I love him." My head fell into my hands, the phone dropped as I used both hands to hold my head. I shook my head trying not to believe what I felt. "W-why?"

'Tyler! Tyler!' I heard his voice screaming my name.

"Please meet me at the hotel. We arrive back in Vegas soon, I'll speak to Dan and end it all." I wiped the tears away.

'And then what? What will you do?'

"Go back to working. They said they'll hold my job, I can't do this Matt. I can't love someone and watch them destroy me every day. It's too much." I argued.

'I'll see you soon then. Make sure this is what you want, make sure you know what you're giving up.'

"Thank you." I ended the conversation just as I heard footsteps approach Zak's room.

There was no point in hiding I was awake, my cheeks were still red and wet from crying. I wiped my eyes and waited for them to come in, whoever it was.

"You're up?" Zak's eyes brightened up as he walked in. "Finally."

"Yea" I looked away from him.

"One more lockdown and this experience is over. Bitter sweet don't you think?" He sat besides me.

"I'm glad actually." I toyed with my hands before looking up at his face to see his whole demeanour change.

"What-why?" He looked confused.

"Never mind. I'm tired still, I'm going to sleep again" I was about to wrap myself up but Zak pulled away the sheets.

"What have I done now?"

"Get over yourself." I scoffed. "It's not always about you." I pushed him off the blanket and wrapped myself up.

"Well if not me what or who?" He nudged me.

"Just drop it." I exhaled and got off the bed.

I left the room and found myself hitting Aaron's chest. I grunted and bounced off him hitting back into the door but Aaron's strong hands grabbed me and prevented me from falling.

"You okay?" He stood me back on my feet properly. I didn't realise how tall Aaron was until now, I only reached to his nipple. And now all I can think about is his nipple, oh god.

"Yea just tired." I stood my ground and allowed Aaron to me me go. "You did a good job last night boss" I winked at him.

"Yea?" He looked surprised. "Didn't think I did a good job, I had you once again passed out from an experience you had. I allowed you to be alone." He shook his head.

"Shit happens." I shrugged it off.

"Well one more lockdown, then it's done. We go back to Ghost Adventures and you go back to umm" he scratched his head.

"Don't have much to go back to. Actually I was thinking about moving."

"Moving why?" He cornered me into the corner. "You said you love Vegas."

As I was about to answer Zak came out the door, in was us three backed into a corner. I looked at Zak and glanced back at Aaron.

"Why are we standing in silence?" Zak asked looking between us both.

"Never mind." Aaron rolled his eyes at me and climbed up to his bunk. He gave me one last look before facing the wall and drifting to sleep.

"What's wrong?" Zak tried to comfort me.

"This was all a mistake." I wiped my eye. "Huge mistake."

Zak grunted and pulled me back into the room. He pushed me on the bed then climbed up my body, he held me down so I couldn't move but I sure as hell could yell.

"HEE---" Zak gripped my mouth tightly. He hushed me down.

"Don't talk." He raised my top and rolled so it covered my mouth, it was muffling my speech so no one could hear me. "Tyler." He grunted.

All I could do was moan, that was my response to him. 

His hand slid up my waist to cup my breasts, then he brought his wet tongue and licked my nipple.

I wrapped my legs around him pulling him in close, how did his touch get me going like this? He isn't good for me yet I cave every time he touches me.

"Zak" I muffled.

"Are you still looking forward to leaving? Leaving me?" He whispered in my ear.

"Yes." I exhaled. Zak instantly move away from me, he allowed me to move and leaned against the window. "Zak I'm not here for you enjoyment or pleasure." I fixed my top.

"What do you want from me?" He pleaded.

"The truth. To stop playing games with my head. I'm no ones half time show." I rolled my eyes and headed back out.

We're back in Vegas soon, I'll subtly leave and everything will be back to normal. I'll never see Zak again, I'll have to get over being in love with him and move on. People like me don't matter to people like him.

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