Far From a Secret.

978 32 0

"Okay one night here and back tomorrow on the road. Last lockdown for all groups!" Dan was announcing to all groups.
Each group huddled together in the conference room, all geared up with laptops and cameras but our group was different. We were all distant, I stood far behind Zak and the gang it looked like I wasn't apart of their team. And soon I won't be.

"Excellent evidence so far, it's good to see different people coming together and excel in the paranormal. I'm especially proud of a certain team." He looked over to us. His eyes wandered all over us, he acknowledged that we were all separate. "It'll be a interesting TV show and I can't wait for the final cut." He nodded his head and hopped off the podium.

"So chicky babe what are you doing tonight?" Aaron brought his attention to me.

I knew what I was doing exactly. Leaving. "Probably sleep. Rest up for tomorrow and then wow it's all over." I exhaled.

"And you're happy about it?" He questioned. "What about Zak?"

"What about him? He is nothing." I had moved my stare at Zak. His eyes caught mine and we held each other's look. "Absolutely nothing." I broke the look.

"Well we got one last lockdown, let's do it good okay?" He smiled at me. "Wanna grab some food?"

"It'll be good." I winked at him. "Let me go change and I'll meet you downstairs" I nodded and left him.

I raced up stairs and locked myself in my room.

"Okay. Pack Ty and get the fuck outta here." And that's what I started doing until I heard a knock at the door.

I opened the door "Nick?" I gazed at him.

"Hey I um wanted to come by and make sure you're okay? You didn't look good during the little meeting downstairs." He invited himself into my room, I moved further in my room and left the door open hoping he wouldn't be long.

"No I'm good, just tired. These lockdowns are draining me, don't know how you guys did it week to week. Minimal breaks, harder lockdowns, my mind can't keep up." I yawned, shaking my head. "Anyway what's up?"

"I feel like I need to apologise for the other day in the elevator with Aaron. I shouldn't have made that comment about Zak, I didn't realise you were his girl. Guess he got want he wanted, yet again." He rolled his eyes biting his lip.

"I'm not his girl, I'm far from being his girl. He is just" I struggled for words. What was Zak? Territorial, yes. Possessive, yes. Psychotic, yes. "He is a very different person, we're definitely nothing." I crossed my arms.

"Well that's good then" he smirked. "It will make this a lot easier." I stood there gawking at Nick, what will be easier?

Wha--- as I was in mid thought, Nick's lips came crashing down on mine. I went to argue but as my mouth opened he slipped in his tongue and my body reacted and kissed back when I didn't want to. What was I doing?

I pushed him away and he slowly opened his eyes, I covered my mouth and gasped at what he just done. I couldn't look at him, so I looked out my door to see Zak. Standing there absolutely filthy at just what happened. There I stood, in the few seconds between calm and chaos.

And then all hell broke loose.

"HOW DARE YOU KISS HER!" Zak stormed in grabbing Nick by the collar and shoving him up against a wall. "YOU DON'T TOUCH HER! EVER!" He grunted more than he yelled.

"Zak don't hurt him." I tried to pull him off, I looked at Nick who looked thrilled to have gotten this reaction out of Zak. "Zak let him go."

"SHUT UP!" He snarled at me.

"Listen here you prick! Let him go! Do you wanna continue working in TV?" I shoved my body hard at Zak pushing him to the side.

"Why did you kiss him?" He looked at Nick but questioned me. "How could you!"

"I-I didn't." I looked at Nick who still looked happier. "You know it's not him I want." Zak slowly turned to look at me.

"Well my work is done here folks." Nick dusted his hands and strolled on outside.

"What do you want?" Zak spoke calmly.

"Not a man that tells me to shut up, ever." I snorted at Zak and turned to walk away. "Leave."

"I'm going no where but you seem to" I looked at him when he pointed to my bags. "What's going on?"

I stared blankly at him, his eyes turned darker. His whole aura changed, I was scared. "You surely don't need that much for our last lockdown Tyler."

"Ofcourse I don't." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You're not coming are you."

I didn't respond, I just stood and looked at him with nothing written over my face.

"YOU'RE NOT COMING? ANSWER ME!" He slammed his fist on the wall creating a hole.

"You're paying for that dickhead!" I shouted, I went to him and observed the damage he done. "You're a fucking psycho."

He grabbed my arm and squeezed me. I cried in pain and his grip was cutting into me. "Z-Zak please stop" I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it only mad in worse.

"ZAK!" I shouted.

"You can't leave!" He hissed at me. "I won't allow it!" He was making a fuss now. I still whined in pain, I felt blood run down my arm and his nails clawed in further.

"Bro!" Aaron came in. Thank god for Aaron. "Let her go!" He pulled Zak off me. Zak put up a fight with Aaron, grunting hard.

"She's leaving!" He yelled. "She can't go!" Aaron snapped his head toward me.

"You're not leaving." Zak spoke again.

"Watch me." I picked up my bags and l left.

This wasn't the secret escape I was hoping to happen but it'd have to do for now.

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