Time to Face the Music.

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"I should not have left." I paced the lounge room. "Ugh!" I groaned.

"Babe you had to. This shit is getting to you, I haven't seen you in a week and you look exhausted, thin in the face and something else about you has changed." Matt sat back looking at me examining the difference he saw. "Oh yea" he giggled. "You like Zak."

"No. Shut up!" I scoffed and continued to pace the room. "I shouldn't have left, they're my team. What if Dan kicks me off? This was a big chance for me!" I was angry at myself. This was the big break for me, finally something I enjoyed and could do and I'm shying away from it all.

"Give yourself a break, you've been through enough." Matt came by my side and comforted me.

"No! I can't keep using that as an excuse. I'm letting the team down by being a little bitch! And I'm not there when they get back and find out our neck lockdown." I was furious at myself. I was being a baby and Zak and Aaron were right, I needed to train up. "I'm going to Zak." I went to grabbed my bag but Matt stopped me.

"Babe. It's 5am." He gave me that parental look. He was right, it's 5am. They were all asleep, they won't be awake and they'll be back in Vegas in the morning.  "They'll be back soon. Just sleep and in the morning you can go back."

"I'm heading to the hotel now, I still have my room." I grabbed my keys and made my way out.

"Babe babe babe" Matt chased me down the corridor. "Are you sure you wanna be apart of this all? Are you willing to grow and be okay with being terrorised by demons?" He grabbed my shoulders.

"Yes. Matt this is what I'm built to do, so I better get my act together." I kissed him on the cheek and ran off. I was going to make this all better, me and the job and especially were Zak is concerned.

"Just don't be stupid. Be safe, call me if anything happens." He walked to me to my car. "I'd say good luck but I know you're gonna smash it." He kissed my cheek and he headed back inside.

I jumped in my car and roared to the hotel. I will be there when they come back, hopefully Dan will be there and if Zak's called him maybe I could apologise and it'll be all good.

Here's hoping...

Zak's POV.

"Better go tell Ty she needs to hurry. We wanna get back to Vegas in good time." Bacon shouted.

"She's umm--" I stammered.

"You're not fighting again, that's all you guys do" Billy hauled his last bags in.

"Sexual tension." Aaron piped up. Would these guys shut up so I can explain, the they can yell at me and tell me how horrible I am.

"Oh god yes. I've even told Ash that Ty's giving Zak a run for his money, she would love to meet her." Jay wiggled his brows.

"Guys! She's gone." I dropped my last bag and ignored all their faces.

"Gone?" Billy called out. "Gone as in what?" I don't know how he wasn't understanding what I was saying.

"She left early this morning, we had a conversation--" I was interrupted.

"And your conversations say more than they should. Dude whhhyyyy!" He exaggerated.

"I didn't want her to go." They all froze. They all think I hate her but I don't, far from hate. I'm highly intrigued by Tyler. She is beautiful, interesting. She's exciting, she's different.

"Didn't? Say that again?" Aaron spoke.

"Guys load up! We're are going!" Bacon knocked on the RV, signing us to come in.

"Alright. Let's spilt. See you in a few short hours." Jay and Billy said their goodbyes and headed off.

"Dude we are so discussing Tyler and what happened in her room this morning. Something happened." He pressed his lips together grinning.

"Something did happen. I think, I think I like her." We sat down as Aaron's face widen. In complete shock. "Yes. Aaron, this soulless, careless man can like someone."

"Yea" he scoffed. "Someone I'd never even think you'd take to. She's gorgeous and fuck me I'd like to have her but you interested in her never saw it."

"But what can I do about it now? She left cause of me." I rolled my eyes. "And she has a thing for Nick, I think." I scratched my head.

"Pffft. No!" Aaron cracked a laugh. "She likes you, she thinks she's too basic for you."

"As they say back to basics" I winked at Aaron and headed to my room.

I couldn't wait to get to Vegas, I'd get my directions from Dan then I'm off to complete our team again. Sort Tyler and myself out, apologise for the ass I've been then take this shit to a new level.

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