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As I woke up surrounded by machines, sterile environment and my bump that is gone. It was gone, he or she was gone.

"No" I gasped. "No. No. No." I panicked, I started to fuss with my body, my sheets and anything I could grab. "It's gone!"

"I never held you, I never heard you speak and I'll never know you!" I screamed. My screaming caught attention and Matt and one nurse ran in.

"Tyler it's okay." The nurses rubbed my shoulders.

"Babe please clam down." Matt stood at the end of the bed clutching to himself looking worried as he looked at me. Matt was never good in bad scenarios.

"Tyler, count your breathing. In and out, count with me." She held my hand and we begun to count together, as we progressed I calmed down. The tears now started to flow down my face. "These things happen."

"But why to me? I don't even know if it was a boy or girl. I'll never know, I'll never know my child."

"It was a boy." The nurse rubbed my back.

"A boy?" I tried to smile but I cried. "Beautiful baby boy."

"I'll give you some time okay, buzz if you need." She let go of me and left the room. It was silent between me and Matt, nothing not pretending to acknowledge each other, like nothing happened.

I now understood true grief, everyone I loved leaves me.

"How-- I mean are you okay?" Matt sat at my side. "Did you want me to call Z--"

"He doesn't need to know." I looked through Matt and rolled my eyes. "He got what he wanted."

"Tyler don't be like that" he spoke firmly before looking in my eyes. "Sorry."

"I just lost my baby, Zak didn't want a baby. HE GOT WHAT HE WANTED!" I yelled at Matt. 

"ENOUGH!" Matt stormed up and paced around the room. "You can't blame everything on Zak, you don't know what Zak wants. You don't know him, he has dealt with shit that you don't know of. What if Zak changed his mind?" He questioned me.

I scoffed. "Sure okay. Prove it." I replied sarcastically.

"He has rung constantly. Aaron has even visited and brought gifts. You're pushing them away, something you always do."

"Wait" I laughed. "Did Zak get to you? When were you all about team Zak?" I folded my arms.

"Tyler, he has right to know. He was the dad." He rolled his eyes and sat back down, not speaking a word to me.


"How can I go to this interview?" I groaned as I slipped on a white body con dress. It fitted like a glove, edging my better curves but I was missing my bump.

"They'll for sure know they baby is missing" Matt came into my room shovelling a kebab in his face.

"Ugh please... meaty food white dress, don't touch me." I shivered away from him.

"I live here too now princes." He toyed.

Matt moved in a few days after I left the hospital, he didn't seem happy letting me live alone and despise my anger to not have him live with me I was actually glad he did. I didn't want to be alone, my thoughts consumed and kept me awake all night or I'd had horrifying nightmares and scream.

He was my rock as the world came tumbling down around me.

"You look so sexy. Zak will die." He smirked.

"What if he tries to speak to me during the interview, I'm gonna have to talk to him? Going to have to be good aren't I?" I groaned.

"Just be the better person that I know you are. Throw in some sly rude comments and make him seem like a douche." He smiled.

"Here goes nothing babe."


"Miss Tyler you came." Dan came down the corridor with a big cheesy grin on his ugly face.

"Contract." I nodded.

"Good you understand. Your crew arrived and hour ago, surely you would've accompanied them here?" He twaddle his thumbs.

"I was planning on it but I got caught up." I lied. "I told them to head ok without me." I lied again.

"Sure." He excused himself and continued down the corridor. I grunted to myself how much of a prick he was, I wish I could flush his head down the toilet.

"Ty!" A man came up from the dark corridor. "It's me, Nick?" He came into the light.

"Hey" I held my hand for a shake but he pulled me in for a hug.

"You look um great, I thought you were--" he stuttered in his words.

"I was what? Father?" I laughed.

"Something like that" he chuckled. "You look good. Better than good."

"How did you go with the last of your lockdowns?" I changed the topic, I felt like he knew about the pregnancy.

"Hard. But something tells me yours was harder. But putting up with Zak would've been hard to begin with." He raised his eyebrows, I wanted to slap him. How dare he talk about Zak like that, he has no right to make those comments.

Then and there I realised I still cared about him, who and I kidding I love him still.

"No. Zak was perfect. Taught me more than I thought possible, he is a really good guy. You're the jerk." I rolled my eyes and left.

"Miss Lowe! Side stage! You're on in 5!" A man with a headset called me.

Here's goes nothing...

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