It Wasn't Her, It Was Me.

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We were heading to Mackay Mansion in Virginia City, so we were in for a long road trip and the back seat was becoming more and more smaller.

"You good Ty?" Jay turned around to see me half asleep. "You look uncomfortable." He pulled a concerned face.

"No no I'm good. Tired." I smiled. I tried to shift my body but I didn't have much room to stretch.

"We're stopping soon so you'll be able to stretch." Jay smiled at me then turned back.

I struggled to get comfy again so I just sat straight and still, my body was aching and I wanted to scream and cry. I was too hot, I wanted to stretch my legs, I wanted to take off my bra but I couldn't do anything.

"Here." Jay slipped me a pill. "It's a sleeping pill, all natural. No shit. It worked for Ash when she tagged along." He smiled.

I took it straight away and gulped it down with water. "How is Ash anyway?" I asked.

"She is good, still adjusting with how things went down. She'll get better but coming back I don't think so, Zak holds on to the hope that she'll return but the rest of us know she won't." He gave me a shruggish smile.

My eyes started to roll in the back of me head, I was falling asleep fast. I grabbed my pillow again and off I went.


My body soon started to wake up, I lifted my arms to stretch. My legs swirled the bed and stretched... wait bed.

Feeling the extra space around me I instantly shot up and seen the view around me. I was in the RV, in Zak's bed. How did I bloody get here?

"Don't you ever tell me you're not riding with us." I heard Zak growl but I couldn't see him.

"Huh! Where are you?" I groaned. I found Zak on the floor lying down. "What are you doing! Get up for fucks sake!" I moved over and brought my knees to my chest. 

"You took up the bed." He grumbled as he stretched his back and sat on the edge of the bed.

"How did I get here Zak?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well you were awkwardly asleep in the car, on our pit stop I pulled you out of the car and brought you in here. Tucked you in and left you to sleep." He laid down next to me.

"You didn't have to" I scooted over more to give him extra room. "Thank you." I pressed my lips together.

"Tyler can we talk about this morning?" He grabbed my hand.

"No." I answered sharply.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Because I don't wanna hear your bullshit lies. I get it, you and relationships or any commitment scares you and that's okay. I allowed my feelings to get between us and that's my fault." Before he could respond I tried to get out of his room. I got up but he quickly rolled off the bed and grabbed me which lead us both hitting into the door.

Zak's hand grabbed me so I didn't hit the door hard. He grunted behind me and the flashbacks crept through my mind with our night together. How he was behind me, going all the way in nice and slowly. I remember how focused he was on me, how he'd tell me how beautiful I was, how beautiful the view was and that I was different.

Now everything is different between us.

"I never get jealous over anyone." He whispered in my ear. "Yet every guy you talk to my hand just wants to reach out and choke the to death. How dare he talk let alone breathe in your direction. I hated how Nick hugged you, he got to wrap his arms around you and I didn't like it."

"And you think I wasn't jealous the night you brought a friend by, kicking me out of the room." I argued back.

Zak's hand wandered around my waist and he ran his finger along my panty line. My breathing paced up and I leaned my head back into his shoulder.

"She was nothing compared to you." He hissed sharply. We were two people wanting the same thing, to be wrapped into one another.

"Prove it?" I teased.

He removed his hand and turned me harshly to face him.

"It wasn't her throat I wanted to choke, it wasn't her body I wanted to lose myself in, it wasn't her face I wanted to wake up to." His fingers once again traced down my stomach and started undo my pants. "I want to touch, starting with my hands." His finger went under my panties and rubbed around my clit.

I rolled my eyes and opened mouth, Zak took that as an invitation and he kissed me taking my breath away. "Now my mouth" he kissed me again, then trailed down my neck. He bent to his knees and slid the rest of my pants down around my ankles.

He kept his finger pressed enough on my clit to keep my legs shaking and my body shaking. "Now my tongue." And that's when he devoured me in his mouth.

I moaned hard as Zak had his tongue feel in me, I looked down to see his dark hazel eyes glaring at me. My fingers ran through his hair as I started to move his head along with my rocking hips. He easily could get me to a screaming orgasm.

He stood up and shuffled me back and laid me in the bed. He pulled my pants completely off and rolled my top over my head. "I want to fuck you like you've never been fucked before. To leave you unable to think, only feel and lost in the moment. I want you to lose yourself with me."

He teased my entrance with his length, he was watching me squirm in need. I needed him. "Ugh" I moaned as I tried to get him in me.

He pushed himself deep into me, moaning in pleasure as he filled me up. He took himself completely out and again pushed himself deeper into me.

He hovered above me and started to thrust in me harder and harder each time, he dove his head between my breasts as he went between each nipple biting, sucking and licking both of them.

"Zak." I panted. With his body, his presence overwhelmed me so easily. I wanted more, I always did.

He pulled away and kneeled between my legs, his hand cupped my backside and lifted me off the bed. His fingers dig into the flesh of my backside, he squashed to the point of it being so painful. I nearly cried from the pain but it felt so good, it was like he couldn't get enough of me and my body.

"Don't. Stop." I pleaded. He covered my mouth with his hand and went harder. I whined as my body was about to give up and surrender to him.

"Yes. Aw" Zak thrusted deep a few more time until he exploded in me. My body was shaking, it felt like a brick wall was being smashed into my body. Zak crumbled down on me, he wrapped a blanket around us and pulled me in close.

I felt his whole body tremble beside me. "You okay?" I asked quietly.

"I'm absofuckinglutly perfect." He gripped around my waist and I felt him slowly starting to fall asleep.

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