April baby talks to Avalyn as she slowly swings her back and forth.

"I never thought Eli would make me a grandma.. gosh I was so worried.. thank god he meet Gia", April chuckles.

"Mom", Eli shakes his head.

"You guys must be hungry", my mom splutters.

"Not really", I respond.

"Nonsense, everyone into the kitchen I'm making pancakes", my mom demands stepping into the kitchen getting ready to cook.


Lulu, Jesiah, and Juliah have left an hour ago due to having a doctor's appointment for Juliah for a check up.

Our parents are about to leave as well, so they can let us rest. After all we are barely back from the hospital.

"Remember kiddos, whenever you want to go out call me to babysit", April hastily says as Zachary pushes her out of the door.

"Or call me", my mom chirps stepping out with my step dad.

"Take all the time you need to settle", Grandpa Eric hugs Eli stepping out.

"When exactly are you thinking of returning to work?", I ask as Eli shuts the door.

"I'll return in a week.. I want to enjoy being with you and Avalyn", he smirks taking a seat next to me and Avalyn on the couch.

I'm so obsessed with my baby girl. I can't stop looking at her, holding her, kissing her chubby cheeks, and just having her in my arms protectively.

"My turn", Eli splutters.

I smile passing Avalyn over to him carefully. Avalyn just beams at Eli not blinking whatsoever. These two are just gazing into each other's emerald green eyes.

"Twins", I smile glancing at my two babies.

"How does it feel to have your first born have the same birthday as you babe?"

"Happy.. that day has brought a lot of blessings to me", Eli smirks beaming at me.

"Oh yeah? Like?", I act dumb.

"Well first of all the handsomest guy ever to exist was born"

"Wow", I playfully roll my eyes.

"Second, that day you and I became one", Eli winks.

I can't help, but blush by how he's looking at me.

"And now my first child from the woman I love with all of my heart is born on my day", he smiles peering at a now sleepy Avalyn.

"Who would of known huh?", I respond.

"I can't wait to start trying for our second", Eli grins licking his lips.

"40 days Elias plus I don't think I want to get pregnant anytime soon", I chuckle.

"Too bad I want a boy now"


"Just know what's coming to you once Jr can play again", Eli winks ignoring my stern glare.

"Elias Gold, what am I going to do with you"

Unknown pov

"What took you so long?!"

"Sorry boss, I was spying on the Golds"


"They're back home now"

"When are you and the men going to go get me that baby?"

"My insider has informed me that Eli should be back to work in a week"

"Make sure you kill that insider once you execute the plan.. I don't want anyone to know about us"

"That wasn't part of the plan boss"


"Forgive me boss I would never question you.. I'll kill her as soon as we kidnap that baby"

"By any chance has your insider mentioned the name of Eli's baby?"

"Yes, they named her Avalyn"

"Lovely name"

"Eli is going to go crazy"

"Good! He has no idea what's coming to him"

"Eli is about to lose everything!"

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