Tattle sat down next to me and dropped his bag at his feet. He leaned back causally. “Can I just take a detention and leave? I don’t feel like having an obese bald man screaming and spitting in my face,” he said with an annoyed sigh.

                “If you don’t want to get yelled at, you should probably learn to shut your mouth,” the secretary said flatly. I snickered and Tattle glanced at me and grinned. “Shailer,” he said calmly. “Talk to me and I’ll rip your balls off and use them to plug your nose,” I said pleasantly.

                “Both of you stop it,” the secretary said, glaring at us. “I just said his name,” Tattle said with a shrug and a smirk. “Yea, that’s not all you’ve said,” I mumbled and went back to reading my book and completely ignoring Tattle. He wasn’t worth it. He just wasn’t worth it. The kid was a greasy piece of shit that didn’t deserve the time and attention people granted him

                The door to the principal’s actual office opened and a pale faced kid walked out and over to the secretary for a pass to go back to class. The principal glared at me and Tattle and his beady eyes flashed dangerously.

                “You two,” he hissed. His eyes locked on me and he motioned me towards the office. “Being rude in class again!” he snapped as I stood up and shoved my book in my bag. I nodded. “Yea. My bad,” I said calmly, shrugging.

                I stepped into his office and he slammed his door as I sat down again. He sat across from and leaned over the desk, his face bright red and the chords on his neck standing out. The light in the room reflected off his mostly bald head.

                “Get inside of me?” he asked furiously. “No thanks,” I said in disgust and he narrowed his eyes at me. “WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT IN CLASS?!” he roared, spittle flying onto my face. Ah gross dude. I had just showered this morning. Though watching his poofy mustache fly as he spoke was slightly amusing. Then, of course, I had to notice the spit resting on it. Gross.

                I shrugged. “I was talking, and my voice just happened to get louder when I said that,” I explained and flashed him innocent eyes. Ha. As if I, Shailer Murphy, actually had innocence. The eyes never worked, but it didn’t really hurt to try. Who knew? Maybe I would get lucky and they would work to get me out of trouble someday.

                “I will be sending a letter to your home, Mr. Murphy. Detention afterschool tonight and tomorrow. Now get out of my sight so I can deal with that other waste of space,” he growled and pointed at the door. Calm down badly; I can take a freaking hint. Although, waste of space? Not nice. Not nice at all.

                I got up and happily left his office. I wiped my face off and made a disgusted face. God this guy needed to learn how to swallow his spit before he started screaming in peoples’ faces. It was seriously unattractive. Not that anything about a highly obese 50 year old bald man screaming spit into your face is attractive anyways.

                “Tattle! Get in here,” the principal growled dangerously. Tattle sighed in annoyance and got up, grabbing his back and slinging it over his shoulder. He glanced at me and smirked. “Got a little spittle on your cheek,” he snickered before following the principal into his office. I glared after him until the principal slammed the door shut to yell at Tattle.

                “Got a little spittle on your cheek,” I mimicked in a terrible imitation of Tattle’s voice ad I wiped it off my cheek. I went over to the secretary and she sighed and filled me out a pass to go back to class. Pft. As if I’d actually go back there. I’d just chill out in the bathrooms or roam the halls until it was time for the next period.

                I took the pass from her and left the office. I ended up just walking around the hallways until it was time for next period. I walked to my marine biology class and sat down next to Chelsea, proudly flashing my detention slip. She rolled her eyes and shook her head at me.

                “What did you do this time?” she asked. “I yelled ‘Get inside me’ during Spanish class,” I said with a casual shrug.

                “What? Never mind; I don’t want to know,” my marine bio teacher said, shaking her head and going back to taking attendance. I laughed and shrugged. “Clyde thought it was funny,” I said innocently and Chelsea sighed. “But that’s Clyde, and Clyde doesn’t decide who gets a detention and who doesn’t,” Chelsea pointed out as the teacher put notes up on the Smartboard.

                I pulled out my notebook and began to jot things down, realizing that I should probably text my mom for a ride home after detention. I finished writing down the current page of notes and whipped out my cell phone.

                I texted my mom, telling her to pick me up from detention at 3, and shoved my cell phone back in my pocket. I looked up and my teacher gave me a warning look. I smiled innocently and picked up my pencil to take more notes.

                We had marine biology for two periods, and they both passed uneventfully. I went to ninth period study hall and met up with Clyde.

                “Detention?” he asked me as I sat next to him with my music folder. I nodded and sighed. “Text me so I don’t die of boredom?” I offered and he smirked. “Maybe,” he said and I pouted and punched him in the shoulder. “You better!” I whined and he laughed and nodded. “Okay, okay. I will,” he said and turned his attention to the teacher as she began to conduct us for warm-ups.

                Chorus passed by quickly. Much quicker than I would’ve liked. I sighed and went to my locker, exchanging some books. I walked Clyde out to his bus, reminding him to text me so I wouldn’t die of boredom in detention.

                Once Clyde had gotten on his bus, I went back into the school and down the halls to the detention room. I had been here before. Not too often, but often enough for the teacher that ran detention to notice me and raise an eyebrow at me whenever I walked into the room. Today apparently wasn’t an exception, as he did so promptly as I entered the room and set my detention slip down on his desk.

                “What are you here for today, Shailer?” he asked me curiously. “Being gay,” I responded simply and he uncomfortably turned to check the detention slips to make sure everyone was here. Jesus, why did everyone get so uncomfortable when I said that I was gay? It was a well known fact in the school. It’s not like I tried to hide it. I was gay and proud of it. Big whoop.

                I sighed and folded my arms over the desk, resting my chin on them and waiting for my cell phone to vibrate with a text from Clyde. I glared as the door opened and Tattle walked in, dropping his detention slip on the teacher’s desk. He looked around and his eyes locked on me. Grinning, the little shit came over and sat at the desk next to mine. Oh bitch, this means war. 

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