She has brown eyes with freckles all over face.

She's about 5'7 in height also she's very well built.

So far she's the only one I have connected with since I've been here.

I really like her and in some way look up to her.

We all step out of our rooms as we stand still facing the wall with our hands straight down to our sides.

She starts calling out names.

After 5 names are called mine is finally called.

I turn my heel lining my self up behind the rest of the girls.

As soon as Officer K was done

We headed out towards the door ready to see our loved ones.

"Hands behind your backs", another male officer demands.

We all did as told or else if you disobey your visitation would be cancelled.

I was now seated in a steel chair that was bolted into the ground with my hands on top of the little table that was also bolted.

"Hands on tables at all times", Officer K shouts through each room as she passes by.

Suddenly I see my mother step in the room.

My eyes locked with her beautiful hazel eyes like my own.

All sorts of emotions stirred up in me.

I was so happy to see her, but at the same time I just wanted to get up hug her tight and cry like a baby.

But sadly I couldn't.

"Gia how are you doing?", she says as she sits down across from me.

"I don't want to be here anymore", my voice cracks holding back the lump in the back of my throat.

"Honey I'm sorry to say this, but you did this to yourself", she lets out a sigh as her eyes begin to get glossy.

"I know I fucked up bad.. I regret it"

"Don't worry baby girl I'm looking for a lawyer"

"Thank you mom.. What has my probation officer told you?"

"Your facing 3 to 6 months"

I don't even want to be in here for a month

I can't imagine being here for 3 months or more

"Have you talked to Elias?", I change the subject.

"Yes he's outside waiting"

"Really? Am I going to see him after you?", I respond feeling excited to see him.

"No he isn't allowed in only guardians"

"Please get me out of here", I beg as a tear manages to escape.

My Bad Girl WaysWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu