Makes it really fucked up that that's exactly what I did.

"August I-I luh' you."

"I luh' you too." I retorted trying to convince her.

"No!" She hollered, "I luh' you wit' pieces of me dat' I thought weren't thea' no more August."


"Parts of me dat' I locked away, you opened'em August. You did dat' fa' me," Her tears gleamed as she looked up at me,"You can't leave me like dis', not while I'm still broken."

"Not while I'm still broken."

That sentence of hers lingered in my mind. It sounded off into long deep echos before it finally stopped.

It grew quiet and the scenery soon faded out, I was alone, but I felt something was behind me, watching me. Whatever it was was making its way towards me, but my body would not allow me to turn towards the dark evil aura approaching me.

"Still there!" It breathed onto my neck in the most raspiest broken down voice.

"W-What's still thea'?"

"Broke-Brokeness..." It gasped as if it was in its dieing days. I felt it's presence grow larger, like it was inching closer and closer to me.

"Brokeness?" I asked.

"It's still there!"

"In-In Mani?"

"Two souls!" It grew louder as it always did.


"It's still there!"

Jumping from my sleep and opening my eyes to be faced with the same dark setting as my dream, I sighed out lowly in frustration and confusion. I didn't understand what it was I was suppose to take from that dream.

Turning to my side I focused in on Mani's body beneath the covers.

Thanks to the moonlight coming in through the window I could make out a faint figure of her sleeping body. I wiped the sweat away from my forehead and looked up to the ceiling.

What's still thea'?

Whatever that dream was trying to tell me always left me spooked in a way. The ending; it always left me confused and needing to know more, needing to know who I was talking to....and what was the brokeness that it always talked about.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep I sighed again throwing the cover off of my sticky figure.

I kissed Armani's cheek then stomach before getting up from the bed and making my way out of the room and into the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen I seen Quan sitting at the table eating some banana foster looking just as uneasy as I was.

"Wazzam youngsta'?"

He acknowledged my presence by throwing me a simple head nod.

"You can't sleep eitha', huh?"

"Not really, guess its just too much going on in my head right now."

"Like what?" I questioned and took a seat across from him with my slice of apple pie that mama had made yesterday.

"You neva' did tell me what was up wit' you earliea'."

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя