"What?!", He furrows his brows at me.

"I want you to take a drug test that's the only way you'll get me back", I demand.

"Fine but I haven't done shit since we've been together I don't understand why you don't trust me?!", he hisses.

"I have trust issues okay!"

Eli looks at me raising a brow

I take in a deep breath, "it's not you its just its hard for me to trust since my ex did what he did almost two years ago"

"Talk to me baby I'm here to listen", he says trying to grab me.

I step away from his grip making him sigh.

It's time to open up completely with him as he has with me

"His name is Ray I meet him towards the end of my Sophomore year then dated him in the summer all the way through the beginning of my Junior year. At first everything was fine until our second month of being together he started being distant. I was young and to dumb to notice anything or maybe I just trusted to much. He got along with my friends as well as Jesiah and some of his boys. We eventually kicked it occasionally and believe it or not I didn't drink nor blaze before until Ray introduced those things to me. He always kept telling to stop being so uptight", I pause taking in a breather.

I look at Eli's emerald green eyes who was entirely focused on me.

So I continue, "eventually I gave in into his peer pressure ending up liking the feel from it all. We dated for about 5 months during our entire relationship all we did was argue about me not wanting to have sex with him. It was almost as if that's all he wanted from me. I really liked him a lot, but I didn't love him and I've always said to myself if I lose my Virginity it has to be with someone I'm in love with. I know how cliche that sounds especially for being known as a bad girl".

A smile formed on my lips seeing Eli's huge grin after I said, "if I lose my virginity it has to be with someone I'm in love with"

"Continue", Eli says.

"Well one day I didn't hear from him for two days straight. I began to worry about his whereabouts, so I decided to go look for him at his house. I borrowed my mom's car heading to his house, I knocked once causing the door to open. By the looks of it no one seemed to be home, so I turned around about to leave when I heard a female giggle".

I paused again for a bit taking a sip of water since my throat was feeling dry again. As I put down the cup I continued where I left off.

"I followed the giggles that were coming from upstairs once upstairs the giggles got louder and louder as well as shuffling noises. My stomach started to feel nauseous when I realized this voice was coming from Rey's bedroom. I put my ear onto the door and heard,"harder baby!" This made me burst the door open my eyes landed on Rey fucking Ana on his bed. Rey looked at me and smirked, oh boy I'll never forget that smirk on his stupid face".

My voice cracks on the last part as a lump was suddenly stuck in the back of my throat.

Eli tried pulling me into a hug, but I quickly pushed him back, "let me finish please".

"Instead of Rey getting off of her and explaining himself to me. He said, "it's over between us and don't think this is the first time I cheated on you believe me, I've cheated on you so many times with so many girls and gosh were you so stupid to think I'd wait for you. You see I get what I want somewhere else your pathetic and worthless! Get the fuck out of my house!", "After he said that he turned away from me and began fucking Ana in front of me as Ana laughed".

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