1: Amour

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Hey, my name's Amour Diamond Westbrooks. I'm 16 years old. I go to Bluford High in Las Vegas California. It's not a school, to me. I call it prison. "Hey Dominique. Another boring ass Monday morning." Dominique had been my best friend since the fuckin' fifth grade. She my "Annoying Ride or Die".

"I can't wait for us to get outta high school and get our own apartment and be roommates!" She started talkin' fantasy. Instead of reality. I just sat on the bench outside of school while she babbled on forever.

About this fantasy life thing... That's only what I call it. It's because I often think of good things that I want and or need to happen but I know it never will. Like me getting married. Like us being best friends or practically sisters forever. Like my boyfriend and I making it through high school together. It's whatever. I'm not special. I'm not a princess. Or a queen. Just ugly little Amour Westbrooks.

"Ok Dom I can't wait to buy a house and 2 fancy Audis." I said sarcastically, chuckling to myself.

"I know right?! Well I'm gonna go find Elijah. Love you!" She waved bye and got up.

I waited outside for about 5 minutes, and then my boyfriend pulled up in his dad's all white Porsche.

He's such a cocky asshole. Nobody cares about his fuckin' house and fancy car. But I still love him. He's my asshole.

Oops, that sounded wrong. Anyway, I walked up to his car and waved to him.

"Hey beautiful lady, would you like to go f..." I stopped him in the middle of his sentence.

"No thanks Ken. We have school today remember?" I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck you." He rolled his eyes and drove off to look for a parking spot.

I stood and waited for him on the curb. "No thank you to that too. I'm still a virgin and to take my virginity, you'd have to rape me 'cause I ain't havin' sex until 2 months after marriage. And if you're staying with me, you ain't neither." I crossed my arms and pursed my lips to look serious.

I did mean what I said though. I'm whack as fuck too. I can't kiss like a pro. I'm fat, and my lips are just... Eh.

He sucked his teeth and grabbed me by my ass. "Gimmie a kiss Ugly Mugly."
He smirked knowing that would piss me off at him.

I sighed and pushed him away, then walked away. "I can't stand him sometimes." I entered the school and walked to my locker.

"Hey Amour, how's it going?" Harley Kinley was one of stuck up perky bitches at the school. If you got on her bad side, she'd go so far that people would start to think she had mental issues or that she was dangerous, or belonged in the psych ward. But I was still friends with her.

"Harley! Hey. It's fine. I guess."
I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"What's wrong? Is it Ken again?" She was usually the one I'd talk to about my boyfriend problems.

"Yes. Eventually if I don't give him what he wants, he's gonna dump me... Or worse. He'll cheat behind my back!" I panicked and grabbed Harley's shoulders.

She looked me in my eyes and said, "What about raping you?!... Just kidding...Honey I promise that will never happen. He'll probably consider it but he won't actually do it. After all, he loves you." She always finds a way to be honest with me but she always makes me feel better. I can say she's my good sometimey friend. But we're definitely not BFFs'.

"Well, there goes the bell! I gotta get going!" I grabbed my books from my locker and walked to first period... History.

"Ok class, take out your textbooks and copy from page 237 to 242." Mrs. Wills demanded.

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