Within a few moments a huge crowd surrounds us.

"Babe please don't", I say softly as I place my hand on his muscular arm pulling him back.

Eli didn't bother to look over at me instead his focus was on Aiden.

"Does Gia know that your a criminal!",  Aiden yells out loud enough for everyone to hear.

I can feel Eli stiffen as Aiden spits those words out of his mouth.

"If I were you I'd be very careful on what you say next!", Eli grits his teeth warning Aiden.

"Tell Gia how your a drug dealer and how you've been locked up for violent charges!", Aiden continues disregarded the warning.

Before I could even react to this news, Eli gets out of my grip and tackles Aiden to the floor.

My eyes widen as I saw how Eli kept on throwing powerful blows at Aiden.

Aiden managed to get some blows onto Eli, but Eli definitely has the lead.

Seeing this horrifying fight between the two.

I tried to break them up, but I felt someone hold me back.

Snapping my head around I see Lulu holding me back.

"Don't worry Jesiah got this", she motions towards where the boys were fighting.

I looked back to see Jesiah heading towards the boys trying to split them apart.

By this time there was blood shed and I can see Aiden was losing this fight horribly.

"STOP THIS INSTANT!", We all heard a deep familiar voice shout as whistles were blown.

My Uncle was running towards the boys as two school cops rushed tackling Eli off of Aiden.

"Get off of him!", I shout as I saw how hard Eli landed on the ground.

One officer was on Eli cuffing his hands back into the hand cuffs, as the other did the same with Aiden.

I tried heading towards Eli, but got held back by Lulu and Jesiah.

"SHOW IS OVER NOW GO HOME EVERYONE!", My Uncle yells blowing his whistle.

The crowd quickly disappears as everyone heads home.

However Jesiah, Lulu, and I remained stood watching as the officer violently picks up Eli pushing him towards the Principal's office.

I can't just stand here.. I have to do something

Rushing towards my Uncle, I grip his arm, so he wouldn't walk away from me.

Since my fight with Ana I haven really spoken to him, but I had to push my pride to the side for the love of my life.

"Please don't let anything happen to Elias.. He was defending me", I whisper to him.

He looks at me in the eyes as he frowns.

"I'll try my best, but I can't promise you anything since he has a record", my Uncle sadly says putting his hand on my shoulder.

Record? Is what Aiden saying true?

Before I could respond my Uncle walks away following the officers.

I stood there in shock not knowing what to say nor think.

I thought I knew Eli, but I'm guessing I don't know him completely.

My mind drifted to what Aiden said to me earlier before the fight occurred.

"Listen! He's a drug dealer! He's been Locked up numerous times! As well he's known for beating up innocent people over drugs!"

What if what Aiden is saying is all true?

What am I going to do?

Am I going to want to stay with Eli knowing he's a drug dealer?

Am I going to want to stay knowing he's also might hurt people for a living?

Maybe this is all a misunderstanding?

Or maybe he has a good reason behind this?

But still regardless of the reason good or not it still doesn't make it right.

Why would he do such a job like this, when he's well taken care of by his parents?

Maybe he enjoys it?

Why hasn't he told me?

Maybe he was later?

maybe he was never going to tell me?

All this unanswered questions clogged up my mind causing me a horrible headache.

Then it hit me

"Why haven't you answered? I have job for you to do!"

I put my hand over my mouth, as I remembered that one night at the carnival.

When that man showed up in the parking lot looking for Eli.

Oh my! I

think Aiden may be telling the truth!

My Bad Girl WaysHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin