
"Alright Princess we're here", I say shoving her softly by her shoulder.

She knocked out on the way.

She looks so cute

She slowly opens her beautiful hazel eyes as she stretches her arms out.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you babe I feel bad", she mumbles as she turns towards me to fully face me.

"It's okay babe.. You had a long day today", I respond while cuffing her cheek.

God! She's so beautiful.. How did I get so lucky man

I leaned down placing my lips onto her full soft lips.

Our lips moved in sync as I felt her tongue on my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted.

I detached my lips from hers moving my lips down her neck.

A soft moan escaped her lips, I grin.

Another moan escapes as I begin sucking on her sweet spot.

"I love you Eli", she pulls away looking at me in my eyes.

Her hazel eyes were full of lust, full of desire, and full of love for me

"I love you too baby", I say pulling her in for a goodnight kiss.

"Goodnight babe", Gia says pulling back opening the door as she exits.


I watched as she unlocked the house door and headed inside.

Now time to sell this shit

I drove off to my next destination of the night.


"Today was amazing mom", I say throwing my body onto hers as she Lays on the living room's couch.

"That's great honey", she smiles while playing with my hair.

"So what do you think about Eli?", Curiosity crosses my mind.

"He seems great.. I like him so far", she genuinely responds.

This made me smile, "well mom I'm tired I'm going to bed goodnight".

"Goodnight baby girl"

I walked upstairs into my room.

Heading over to my drawers, I pulled out an oversized sweater and sweat pants.

Removing the clothes off me, I quickly threw on my sweater and sweats on.

It's so cold!

Getting under my blankets I began to feel warm and cozy.

My mind drifted onto today's events.

"I l-love y-you"

"You what babe?"

"I love you"

Those three words meant everything to me it made me literally go into lala land.

I couldn't stop smiling from this memory from earlier.

I'm so happy.. He makes me happy

As I plugged my cell phone onto my charger, I quickly send a quick text.

Text message to Eli

Thank you for today babe, I had so much fun. I love you goodnight ❤️

I put my phone down not really expecting a reply anytime soon since it was late already.

Ding! My phone vibrated on my nightstand a minute later after I put my phone down.

That was fast

Text message from Eli

Anything to make my love happy and I love you too baby. Sweet dreams of me of course.

This insane happiness went through my entire body making me grin huge.

Gosh I love him

My eyes started feeling heavy as I let out a yawn.

Snuggling deep into my blankets to get myself more cozy and warm, I eventually drifted off happy in my sleep.

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