Tell her and her family hi for me. Well honey I have to get ready for work soon. I hope to see you here at least before I leave okay.

Okay mom I'll head over in an hour and a half. Okay love you

I love you too. Bye

I scrolled in my contacts down to Aiden's contact sending him a quick text...

Text message sent to Aiden🏈

Hey my bad for not answering I was asleep. I'm heading over to your pad. Be there in 15 minutes.

I combed my long hair and tied it up into a messy bun. I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.

"I'm out.. I have things to do", I announce to everyone in the living room.

Eli gets up walking over to me.

"Alright bye Happy Thanksgiving", the squad says.

"Happy Thanksgiving"

Eli and I headed out

Eli suddenly stops me by grabbing me by my waist, "Your going to break up with him right now right?".

"Yes now stop asking!", I replied annoyed.

"Okay", he says with a grin.

I was about to walk away when Eli gripped on my waist tightly.

"So have you asked your mom about dinner at my place?", He asks.

I'm surprised he asked since earlier he didn't seem so thrilled about it

"Yes I called when I was upstairs getting ready"

"She's working today, so she let me go", I responded.

Eli grinned, "Does she know about me yet?".

"Uhm no, about that I told her the dinner invite came from Claudia". I stuttered feeling nervous by his reaction.

"Oh", is all Eli said.

"I'm sorry it's just I'm not ready to tell her about you until.."

"Until what?", Eli cuts me off crossing his arms.

"Until we get to know each other more duh", I say.

"I get you", Eli sighed.

"Well I have to go to Aiden's house. Pick me up at my house at 6" ,I instructed him.

"Alright no problem", he nods.

"Do you still remember where I live?", I asked.

It's been a while since he gave me a ride home.

"Yes", he replies.

"Okay see you later", I gave him a smile as I walked away to Aiden's car.

"No kiss?", Eli shouts from behind me.

I turned around, "No I have to be single to start fresh with you okay", I genuinely explained.

"Okay", Eli frowns a bit.


Aiden opened the door quickly like he was waiting by the door the entire time.

Fuck I don't think I can do this!

"Hey babe",  Aiden says giving a kiss on my cheek.

"Come in", he suggests.

I walked in and sat down on a couch in his living room.

It was very quiet I'm guessing no one was here.

"Thank you for bringing me home safe last night and for bringing my car over", Aiden sits near me throwing his arm over to my shoulder.

"Your welcome", I plainly reply.

"Is there something wrong?", Aiden asks with concern in his face.

Damn! He can tell.. Gosh I don't how to tell him! He's too good to me

I took in a deep breath, "Aiden there's no easy way to say this, but I want to break up. I-It's nothing to do with you it's just me. I need a break for myself".

Aiden face expression completely change into sadness.

"If it's because I got fucked up last night. I'm sorry", he cuffed my hands into his.

"No it's not that believe me it's just I have to sort myself out. I'm on probation you know. I just want to focus on myself right now", I lie.

I mean I am in probation, but I just couldn't tell him the truth of why I'm breaking up with him

"Gia please don't do this", Aiden begs.

I felt so bad

"Aiden please don't just understand me", I stood up away from him.

"I barely got you and you now are breaking up with me?", Aiden couldn't seem to accept my decision.

"I'm so sorry Aiden. Please forgive me", My voice cracks.

I ran out the door leaving Aiden behind.

I couldn't dare cry in front of him

I heard Aiden calling out to me and I ran as fast as I could.

Tears were sliding down my cheek.

Fuck! I know I broke his heart! I'm such a bad person.

He deserves someone way better than me especially after what I did behind his back

But my heart belonged to Eli and that's who I wanted to be with

My Bad Girl WaysWhere stories live. Discover now