Chapter 28

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"Yeah? What's up?" Kyle replied quick.

"Are you and Kayla a couple?"

He took what seemed to be forever for him to text back, "No? We broke up."

I felt a wave of relief fall over me. But in a way I was mad because I wanted to be able to say something to her.

I wanted to tell Austin do bad.

Oh no. Austin.

I promised. I freaking promised!

What is wrong with me? Why do I-ughh.

If he finds out. He's gonna...I don't even know what he'll do.

The next morning was a beautiful Wednesday.

But no matter how beautiful it was, I'm not going to have a very beautiful day.

I feel so guilty.

I am guilty. And a horrible friend. Like this is crazy.

No matter what, she will always be my best friend. I don't care how mad she is at me.

And Austin, oh Austin. He has so many reasons already not to stay with me. Now I just gave him another.

And on my drive to school, I realized that Austin and I haven't been dating that long. And we maybe moved a little fast..

When I got to school, I came close to telling Kayla a couple times that I'm proud she decided to dump Kyle and stop cheating.

But the last thing I needed was to start a fight. She already hates me.
After a long day at school, I invited over Austin, I think we need to talk about this.

"So what's up, Jen?" He said with a smile.

"You know how we've kind of been fighting a lot lately? Well not fighting, but like we make each other mad?"

"Yeah? I guess.."

"I think I know why."


"We've only been dating for about 22 days. We started dating on the fourth day of knowing each other! We had sex after 20 days. I stayed the night with you after only 4 days of us dating. We tried to have sex on the second day of us dating. I've only known you for 25 days and we've already been through so freaking much."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Don't you think maybe we moved a little fast?"

"If we love each other, should that matter?"

"Do we know what love is?"

"What are you saying?!"

"We're young! We don't know if we 'love' each other. Maybe were just love sick?"

"I'm not.."

"It's been 25 days and we already have hidden secrets. What are things going to be like months from now?"

"You know all mine though."

"Yeah. Now I do."

"What secrets are you hiding from me?"

"Well...I know I promised, but, I texted Kyle. Him and Kayla aren't together."

"You've got to be kidding me, Jen.."

"And the day after you and I dated, Logan.." I swallowed hard, "tried to rape me while he was drunk."

"WHAT?! Why would you not tell me this Jen?!"

"Because I knew how you'd react!"

"Did you know? Because you're going on about us not knowing each other very long. Do you know me at all?"

I sat there quietly.

"That's what I thought.." He stood up, "I really love you, Jennifer. I wouldn't have asked you out if I didn't feel it. If only you fucking knew what I felt for you! What I do for you! I go to sleep every night thinking about you! I can't ever wait to see you! Obviously, you don't feel the same."

He ran down stairs to my front door.

"Wait! Austin! Where are you going?"

"Home. And by the way, I think we should break up."

He slammed the door behind him before I could reply.

Not only have I lost my best friend and made Alex hate me, but now I've lost my boyfriend.

And when he said those awful words, I felt my stomach drop and my heart literally break.

I love him too. But what I said is the truth.

Is this the end of Austin and Jennifer?

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now