Chapter 4

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I almost wet myself from laughing so hard. 'Bad Boy'. I had my hand over my mouth losing all control. One slip from my mouth and Mr. Martin would hang me. I finally took a breather and calmed down. The last bell rung and Austin walked me out of class and too my locker. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Are you okay? What happedened? What was said? Are you in you in trouble? Is he? What-" He cut me off.

"Yes I am fine. I don't like Kyle. It was ALL truth, even Kyle told the truth. Yes. Yes. and shut up." He smiled and planted a kiss on my lips. He put his hands down low on my hips. "I'm fine and so is he. Don't worry babe."

"What kind of trouble are you guys in?" I was so curious.

"Well, we both have 150 lines to do that are due tomorrow. So I gotta get those done tonight." He handed me the lines that read : I Will Not Fight On School Property. I Will Not Fight With The Other Students.

I felt bad for him. Lines are the worst. I scanned my eyes over what he had already gotten done and boy did he still have a long way to go.

"So I assume you won't be calling me tonight?" 

"Maybe while I'm taking a break I will. Hopefully it won't take me too long to finish them up!" He was walking towards the doors.

"Well this sucks. It looked to me like you broke his nose.." I said as I walked towards my vehicle.

"I wish I would have. He'd deserve it. But, ill talk to you later. Bye, Jen!" He pecked me quick on the lips and turned to walk towards his Range Rover.

On the way home, I kept thinking about him hitting Kyle. I knew today was going to be a bad day. I just knew it! This was only Austin's second day of school here and I'm already getting in the way.

I got home and went to my room. I was laying on my bed listening music when I felt my phone buzzing.

"JENNIFER! Oh My God! Lunch was crazy! Kyle was all like 'Blah' and Austin was all like 'BAM' and I was all like 'AHHH'!" She was talking at 100 mph..

"Yes Kayla I was there remember?" I was a little annoyed.

"So..was you really texting Kyle?"

"He texted me first...the conversation wasn't long. I that bad?"

"Is what bad?"

"That I texted him a text that said 'I miss you'?"

"Uhhh....I dunno know Jen..Do you think it's bad?"

"He got hit in the nose today...Yes I think it's bad..." I felt a knot in my stomach.

"You don't feel bad for Kyle do you?"

"No No! God No! It's just..ugh..why did I text back?!"

"I don't know Jen. But I gotta go. Talk to you later!"

I placed my phone down on my bed and pulled a magazine out of my bed side table drawer. I cranked the music and laid down in the floor and flipped through my magazine. I had to get my mind off of things. I was in the middle of reading an article about 'Back To School' hairstyles when I heard my phone ringing. It was Austin! I answered as quick as possible.

"Hey" I tried to play it cool

"Hey babe!" He sounded just as happy.

"How close are your lines to being done?"

"Only.." He paused and counted out loud. "12 left! So not too many."

"Well that's not too bad. You're speedy aren't ya?"

"Well Yeah I am!" He laughed. His laugh just got to me. "But I have a serious question.."

"Yeah?" My stomach got tight.

"Was you really texting Kyle?" He sounded a bit upset.

"You see..he..texted me and told me he missed me. And I texted back asking what he was talking about and he said him and Logan miss me but Logan was too scared to tell me. And Kyle told me he wanted to see me. I just didn't text back though..."

"Oh. Okay. Well I was just wondering."

Great. I've just pissed him off. 

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean anything by it. I only texted back because i was in shock."

"Jen, come over. Please."

I was in doubt. I hadn't even ever been too Logan or Kyle's house. "Uh...What about your lines?"

"I've been writing them while we're talking. I've only got like 5 more left to do. I'll have them done by the time you get here. Just please come over."

"What about your mom?"

"She works literally almost 24/7. She isn't even home."

"Ugh I know the feel...I guess I will come over."

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