Chapter 35

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So that was it. I told Austin my biggest secret I probably actually have had. Kind of.

I don't want to pile everything on him at once.

It took me forever to pull myself out of bed to go to church.

*After Church*

I texted Austin and asked him to come over.

There was still a small thing that was eating me alive that I should tell him.

Well a couple. But one at a time.

"So what's up?"

"Austin, I have more to confess. I don't want anything between us. At all."

"Go on..."

"While we were separated I was meeting up with Logan. He came over to the house, we met up at school. He gave me all the advice on how to get all of you back-"

"So everything you said about being sorry was a lie?"

"No! Those were my words! He never told me what to say, just what to do.."

"Okay. Continue."

"Through all this, Logan fell in love with me. And I'm afraid that it will cause problems again because, I don't want to stop being his friend...he helped me with something I could never help myself with. I can't just throw him out. I don't want to sneak around behind your back with a guy I know that you hate. I'm coming clean because I can't lose you again."

"I'm glad you told me."

"I'm glad I said it. But I'll toss him to the side if I have too. I'm doing anything possible to keep you."

"Tha-" Austin was cut off by a knocking on the door.

We both went downstairs.

I opened the door to see Brantley. Smiling and holding flowers.

There was something about seeing him in the sun and not in dim restaurant lights.

There was something about him. But I think everyone will always have feelings for their first kiss.

"What are you doing here?! How do you know I live here?"

"You've lived here your whole life. I didn't figure you moved." He chuckled.

"Okay but why are you here?!"

"I wanted to see you. It's been so long."

Austin decided to step in.

"Oh. I didn't realize you had company.."

Austin spoke up, "Yeah. And I'm pretty sure she told you to move on."

He slammed the door in his face.

I lost all control. I burst into crazy laughter.

"What's so funny?" Austin giggled.

"What's the matter Austin? You jealous!?" I continued laughing.

"What?! Of that guy? No!" his voice sounded like he was lying.

After I was done laughing. I realized that Austin totally slammed the door in, what is to him, a strangers face.

What side of Austin is this?

I didn't break him to the point of no return did I?

That evening after Austin left, I took a long hot shower.

My brain was going crazy.

Why is it my luck? To go through everything I just went through and Brantley come back into my life.

Why does he even still like me?

I got out of the shower and got dressed and went to my room.

Then I heard knocking.

Someone was at the door. I heard mom answer and scream.

I ran downstairs thinking mom was in trouble to find Brantley and my mom hugging.

If you haven't noticed, my mom thinks that she's still a teen.

"Brantley why are you here again?!"

"Why do you hate me all of a sudden?"

I rolled my eyes and dragged him up to my room.

I began to explain to him the situation with Austin and why I'm being the way I am.

Before things went any further, I flashed Austin a text to let him know Brantley was here and that I was telling him what happened.

"You're still as beautiful as ever." He smiled.

"Well thanks but I don't feel comfortable talking about that while I am in a relationship."

"Yeah, a broken one. Things aren't ever going to be the same. You guys can never really trust each other again."

I stared at him, "Shut up."

He continued to talk, "Ill never forget our kiss. The way you touched felt so good on my hard package.

"SHUT UP!!" I yelled.

"and slid your tongue down my throat.." He wouldn't stop.

I was done. I stood up quick, "Get the hell out of my room. NOW!"

He winked at me, "We will never be over. You know that."

I feel like such a drama magnet.

I liked it better when the only attention I ever got was from bullies at school from time to time saying about how nasty my father is and how I am too because I'm his descendent.

I'm always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We would go to Red Lobster.

Austin loves Olive Garden! Out of all days why did we go to freakin' Red lobster?!


I feel so sorry for Jennifer sometimes..Do you?

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