Chapter 47

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Later on that night, I watched Pitch Perfect probably 4 times in a row.

Not only is it my favorite movie, but, Jesse and Beca kind of reminded me of Austin and myself.

The way the flirt, the way the fight, the way they make up.

But in the movie, they only really get into one major fight.

Austin and I have been in what? 4? 5?

What does it all mean?

I thought back to Jesse singing on the movie. His magical voice, like Austin's.

Like A-Meezy's...

I went to bed silent that night and fairly calm.

Hoping for a better Thursday.


"You're over exaggerating, Jen. Get off your lazy butt and come to school!" Kayla was screaming at me.

"No! Austin and I are falling apart and I'm not wasting time at school!"

"I gotta go. Mrs. Vickery is coming. Come. Now!"

I crossed my arms and got up off my bed.

I was already dressed for school but I'm also an hour late.

I didn't know if Austin would be there today. Kayla never said he wasn't there. But she never said he was either.

"That's it. I'm going.."

I grabbed my purse and ran out the door.

I got in my car and took my time to get to school. I pulled up in the parking lot.

"I hate this fucking school."

I grabbed my purse and stomped my way into the band room.

Yes. I was sneaking my way in.

It was towards the end of second hour, so I just figured I would wait in the hall until the bell rang.

After 20 minutes of standing doing nothing, the bell rung.

I ran into my 3rd hour class and took my seat.

2 minutes went by and it felt like hours.

I knew I shouldn't have came! But I let Kayla talk me into it.

The girl I haven't talked to in days, talked me into coming to school.

But I'm here now. How can I get out of it?


I was sitting at lunch with Alex and Kay. I was sitting by myself for a bit while they got their food. I wasn't hungry.

"Not eating?" Alex asked while taking a bite of Mac and cheese.

"No..I'm not hungry.."

He looked at me and shook his head.

Then came Austin. Who sat his pretty little butt beside me like he had a right too.

"Hey guys." Austin said.

I sat there quietly while Alex and Kayla were quick to reply.

"I haven't even seen you today?" Kayla said.

"Yeah I've been here and there. She's the one I haven't seen all day." Austin nudged me.

I think he's wondering why I'm still mad.

I'm mad for many reasons, but the biggest is that I told him to text me when he's sober.

I never got a text. and I could still smell a small hint of alcohol on his breath.

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now