Chapter 13.

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Oh well this is just great. He should have fun explaining this one.

"It's a sweat stain.."

"From who?" She raised an eyebrow.

He looked around, "From me. At lunch I had my hand set on my lap the whole time and I guess I was sweaty."

"Okay. Take a seat."

Wow. Good explanation. He took his seat next to me.

"That's the best you could think of?" I whispered to him.

"Yes! I was put on the spot and under pressure. What was I supposed to do?"

I shrugged. Oh well. Better than the truth.

Later that night Kayla and I were talking on the phone. I told her all about lunch and Mrs. Vickery's.

"So, is it big?" She asks the weirdest questions.

"How would I know I've never seen it!"

"Did it feel big?"

"Well yeah kind of."

"Lucky you." She laughed.

"You're nasty.."

"Have you guys talked about marriage?"

"Are you crazy? No!"

"Well you should. It'll show the true strength of your relationship."


She sighed, "It'll either make it or break it.."

"Well what's that have to do with him having a big one."

"You don't wanna have sex with someone who doesn't wanna marry you.."

The next day at school, I didn't want to face him. Mainly because I knew that if he wanted to make love to me, i need to see how he really feels about me. If all this is true.

I couldn't see him tonight even though it was a Friday night And I didn't want to say anything to him About marriage face to face anyways. That's too awkward.

I plan on calling him tonight.

For the rest of that Friday afternoon, Kayla harassed me about it.

I thought about it more and more. What if it breaks our relationship? I could lose him if I bring this up. Sex isn't that important.

I got home from school and ate. Mom was about to leave and I wasn't about to talk to Austin with her being there.

So while she was preparing I went ahead and took my butt up stairs. I sat down on my bed and thought out what I was going to say to him.

Finally my mom left. And I dialed in the number.

"Hey baby!" He screamed

"Hey darling"

"What's up?"

"Just sitting here."

"Thinking about today?"

"Yeah..I actually need to talk to you."

"About what?"

I took a deep sigh. Rethinking everything, "Would you ev-ever marry m-me?"

"I GOT IT. I could've told Vickery that I dried my hands off on my pants after washing them!!"

Well I guess I just broke it..


SO sorry this is so so short. I got this idea and had to use it and I wasn't sure what else to add in! Hope you're enjoying✌


Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum