Chapter 44

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*Jen's P.O.V*

That Saturday morning, we were released as promised.

They told us Austin would continue to make progress and if we have any trouble just swing back in.

But honestly, I hope we wouldn't be back in anytime soon. I just wanted to go home and sleep in my own bed.

I can only imagine that Austin was feeling pretty much the same way. I was a little sad though to think that he wouldn't be at my house though. If I were him, I would want to be at my own home, too.

I drove home. Austin was still a bit shaken up which was completely understandable. we drove silently with the radio off. We didn't need any distractions. At all.

I pulled up to Austin's house and helped him inside and up to his room.

His mom was downstairs doing up some laundry and making Austin some dinner.

"Jen. Can me a warm bath?"

"Yes! Of course I can.."

I walked into his bathroom while he sat up on the bed.

I ran the hot water for sometime before running a little cold.

I just hope it's not too hot.

The last thing I need is to scold him with hot water.

I helped him into the bathroom and to be polite, I went to walk out to give him a little privacy.

"Jen wait! Can you please help me?"

I shiver went down my spine because I don't want to see Austin this way.

But of course I gave into him and I made my way back into the bathroom.

I pulled off his shirt gently.

It revealed cuts and bruises that I hadn't yet seen on him.

I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and turned around while he pulled them off himself.

With his boxers still on, I turned to face him with black and blue swollen and cut legs.

A tear streamed down my face because as I looked at him.

I felt as if I was the one who did this to him, like I had just beat him myself. He wouldn't be in this condition if it wasn't even for me. I brought him into all this!

I began to bawl and before he got his underwear off, I grasped him into a hug trying not too hurt more than what he is.

"Austin, I'm sorry! I am so so sorry!"

He stroked the back of my head, "Jennifer..this is not your fault. Not one bit. It's Brantley's! He's crazy and that's not your problem."

I shook my head at him, "I'm gonna go. You need to rest up a little."

He kissed me passionately, "Don't beat yourself up, babe."

I agreed and headed out to my car. Of course, as you can imagine, Austin's car was totaled and being repaired.

I pulled into my drive way and just sat behind the wheel and cried my heart out.

My dear Austin. This is the second time that he's been bruised and beaten up like this. He never would have been the first time if, once again, it wasn't for me.

He told me not to worry about it, but it's something I cant just forget either.

I went up to my room and soaked in a hot bath also. There were so many bubbles I was drowning in them.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door, "Jennifer, You need to hurry and get dressed."


"Just do as I say!"

I looked around confused. Why is she yelling at me? What could I have possibly done wrong?

I marched myself downstairs with a towel wrapped around my wet hair, only to find Austin and his mom sitting on my couch and my mom sitting in the love seat.

This is not how I wanted Austin and his mother to see me at all. But, I can't turn away now.

"Austin! You should be resting! Why are you here? What's happening?"

My mother was first to speak, "I need to know what happened. We need to know what happened." She gave Mrs. Mahone a look.

I looked at Austin, who was giving me A nod of approval.

I took a deep sigh, "Brantley. He...He came back and...Well. Got obsessed with me? He stood in front of Austin's car as he was driving and Austin swerved not to hit him."

They both nodded to me, "How did he get obsessed with you?" Mom asked.

I began to cry, "Please don't make me say it! I have to say it in a court room full of people!"

Mrs. Mahone gave me a huge hug. It was loving and warm like Austin's. Nothing like my mother's hugs.

Michele spoke up, "I believe that you and my son need to just stay away from each other for a little while. I'm not saying that you can't come over and visit, I'm just saying it needs to be supervised."

"But-But why?! We haven't done anything wrong!" I stomped my foot.

"I know honey, but, you brought this man into my son's life and I won't let anything else bad happen until that man is in jail!"

I looked to Austin with tears wondering why he isn't protesting all this, "And what if the jury doesn't put him in jail?"

"Then don't plan on seeing Austin unless me or your mom is around."

"But you guys are NEVER around!"

She looked at me strangely and pushed Austin out the door. He winced, showing that she was pushing awfully hard.

I looked at my mom, "I am so done with not being trusted. I am so done with looking like the damn bad person. I can't help what happens! But you all make it seem like I do and it happens on purpose."

I ran upstairs and slammed the door. This Is not worth it.

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