Chapter 2

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I called Kayla as soon as I woke up. I had to tell her everything. I was a little scared at how she would react to it considering she was a little upset with me in the first place for bringing some random boy into my life. But, he made me so happy. I had to tell her!

"Hello." She sounded sleepy.

"Hey! You'll never guess what!"

"You went on a date?"

"Uh...Ye-yeah..How did you know?"

"Kyle and Logan seen you at the park with Austin. They are telling everyone!"

"Is that ba-bad?" I was nervous. What were they saying? Why did they hate me? They dated me! It was like after Logan and I broke up, him and Kyle suddenly became best friends. Like A hate Jennifer club.

"I don't know. Do you think it's bad?"

"I don't know. Are you mad at me?" 

"No...Why would I be? I only called you thirty times wondering where you because you didn't bother telling me you had a date with the sexiest boy in school!!"

We continued our conversation for about an hour and half when my belly started growling. I went downstairs to raid my fridge. I was pouring milk into my Fruity Pebbles when i heard my phone buzzing. It was an unknown number.

"Hey :)"

"Who is this?" I replied

"This is Austin silly!"

"Oh hey! What's up?"

"Nothing. I had a great time the other night :)"

"Me too. :)"

We continued texting throughout the day. We had made plans for Sunday after church to go to the Eastland Mall and hang for a bit. I called up Kayla and let her know and she made me promise i would call her afterwards and tell her about it. Then she was telling me about how they were stunting in cheer practice and she almost broke her neck. I heard my mom come in the door. It felt like I hadn't seen her in weeks!

"Honey, Jennifer? You home?"

I ran downstairs to greet her. "Yes! And so are you! It's about time. I have to tell you something!"

"What? What is it?" She threw her purse in the floor and herself on the couch.

"I met a boy! He's the new kid! He'" I felt my face get a little hot.

"That's great, sweetpea! What's his name?" She looked super tired.

"Austin. He is so cute and sweet and polite!" I squealed

"Austin who?"

It hit me. I don't even know his last name! I looked at my mom, "Well I'm going to bed. Night love you!'

I rushed up stairs and dove onto my bed. I grabbed up my cell phone. That night we hung out, he left out two important pieces of information that I didn't think to even ask! How old he is and his last name! I had to ask. I have to know! I felt a little nervous to ask. I was a little embarrassed to be honest.

"Hey Austin. If you're still up can i ask you two questions?"

"Yeah. Ask away :)" 

"This is embarrassing but, I didn't ask your last name or your age..."

"Haha It's ok. It's Mahone and I'm 17. I hope that's ok.:/"

"Yeah it's totally fine :)"

I felt a little relieved now. 'Austin Mahone'. I smiled. He just makes me so happy. I just can't explain it. I took a shower and got into my pajama's and crawled up into bed. I was so ready for tomorrow.

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now