Chapter 23

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The next morning I had woke up before Kayla. She was sleeping peacefully next to me.

I didn't bother her.

I went down stairs. Mom was on the couch. Asleep in her p.j's for once.

I slipped into the kitchen and got a glass of milk.

I figured I'd wait until Kayla was awake to eat breakfast.

I ran back upstairs and went into my room.

Kayla was still sleeping.

I noticed her phone was buzzing continuously.

So I took a peek.

She had 4 messages from Kyle. And 7 from Alex.

I felt like an awful friend. But, I was too curious.

I slid the message open on her iPhone.

So much I found.

She's dating Kyle.

She's dating Alex.

What's wrong with Kayla? She's never been this way before. She's always been a good person.

Now she's changed. Like out of no where. Out of the blue.

I decided after breakfast that I would talk to her.

*2 1/2 hours later*

Kayla finally woke up. It was 11:30 a.m
So we just ate a bologna sandwich and Doritos.

We went back upstairs and changed into our clothes.

Then I made my move.

"Kayla. Sit"

"What am I? A dog!" she laughed.

"Please Kay. I am trying to be serious with you.."

"Okay? what's up?"

"What's your problem?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why are you acting the way you are?"

"How am I acting?"

"Well you go to a party without me, you get drunk, have unprotected sex and lose your virginity with my ex-boyfriend whom I find out you're dating and cheating on him with my current boyfriends best friend. I also read that you already had an abortion. You took the medical abortion."

"How do you know all this?"

"I-I checked your phone. It was ringing an-and so I checked it."


"Well, that sounds a little guilty of you. I used to have the passwords to all your junk. You used to not care if I went though your stuff because you had nothing to hide! So yeah I read you messages."

"And you read through all my fucking messages!? What's wrong with you?! HUH?! What the hell is wrong with you?! You skip school! You sneak around! You don't ever fucking talk to me anymore, until you thought I was screwing your precious boyfriend behind your back! Yeah what a good friend you are! Didn't trust any of us! After YOU were the one who cheated on Austin with HIS best friend. Going through my phone, acting like you don't have a damn clue who you want to be with between Austin, Kyle, and Logan! All you think about is sex! What are you hiding from me?! Huh?! What!? I know you left out a huge detail. With Cassidy? Yeah you know who told me? AUSTIN!! Not you!! I need someone to guide me. "

She began to break down cry. As hard as she did at Olive Garden, "I need to be guided! I looked up to you like an older sister even though we are the same age and you kicked me out of your life when you got a boyfriend who doesn't treat you like shit! You got the hell beat out of him by Kyle and Logan! Now I don't think I need to say anymore. I'm out. When you come back to your fucking senses, let me know. Because I miss you. The real you. The one that had no friends or a boyfriend and was still happy with her life."

I didn't say anything. She grabbed her things and left.

What am I?

A monster.

Who am I?

Not Jennifer.

I've changed so much. So freaking much.

She was right. She was right about all of it.

And I hate to say this but, what has Austin turned me into?

Austin said himself on like the third day of me knowing him that he was a 'Bad Boy'.

I mean he didn't say that exactly.

He asked me if I liked Bad Boys.

But, I still gave into that. And all he has done is cause trouble.

I love him though. What am I supposed to do about this? This isn't an easy thing just to ease on through.

I walked over and sat on my bed.

When I hear a knock on bedroom door.

I peek into the doorway and it was mom.

"What was that?"


"That wasn't nothing Jennifer. I've never heard Kayla use language like that. And I heard most of what she said. Maybe this Austin boy isn't for you."

"What about Kayla? Why am I getting the shit end of it?!"

"Don't you dare use that language with me young lady. And if I was Kayla I'd act out too! But it sounded to me like she named off a longer list to you than you did to her."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's got to stop, Jennifer."

"What's got to stop? Nothing's wrong!"

"You've got to stop pushing people away who has done nothing but care for you, LIKE KAYLA, because of a boy that you think you're in love with. When honestly, in a few years you probably won't even remember him!"


"Am I understood?"

"Please just leave.."


I nodded my head and she walked out.

I thought about what my mother had said. And I took notice that I was talking to her with no respect.

I never have spoke to her like that.

Then realized I have the whole rest of the day to go through. Might as well talk to Austin about this.

So I drove to his house and told him all about it.

"She really said that?"

"Yes! Ask my mother. She heard it all."

I leaned my back up against his bed.
We were sitting in his floor like usual.

"Is it really because of m-me?"

"I hate to say this but, it's very likely that things wouldn't be this way if you never would've came here."

He hung his head low, "Sorry I ruined your perfect life."

"Perfect life? My life was hell before this too? Remember!?"

"But was it really, Jen?"

"I don't understand?"

"The way it sounds you got verbally bullied like 3 to 4 times a week maybe. No one beat on you. And you had Kayla. That's all you needed. I promise you."

I stared to feel bad. Austin didn't force me to think about sex. Or sneak out. Or go through Kay's messages. Or anything.

I chose those things on my own.


Because I did let him get to me.

I let him be all I think about. And maybe just maybe, I thought by doing the things I did I thought I was impressing him.

I let myself become this person who I'm not.

And now the real question is.

Will he love me for who I really am?



"Come back to earth Jen."

"I'm sorry. Uh. Yeah. I don't know what to do."

He kissed me.

And kissed me.

And kissed me.

We weren't in a romantic moment. So I don't understand..

"Jen. I love you. I love you so much. And I hate that all this is happening to you. And I'm sorry that I'm the reason for all this."

"You're not the whole reason. I made the decision to act out. And I started a chain reaction."

"All I can tell you is apologize to her and be you again. Then Kayla will start being her."



I took a deep breath.

"I don't know who that is. I don't know how."
Hmm? Does Jennifer have some issues? Comment what you think and vote if you like it! ❤️

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