Chapter 22

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Austin spoke up almost immediately.
"Hey! Alex! What are you doing?!"

Alex shot up, "Oh you seen me?!"

"Yes! We both did. Dude, you have a girl!"

"You know, I think I just found a new one.."

"What?! Why are you acting this way? I thought you loved her?"

"I think I just felt the way a kiss should feel. It felt different with Kayla."

"But she is pregnant, bro."

The only thing I could think was 'they're talking about her like she isn't even there.'

Kayla was still just laying there. And an awkward silence arose.

When Alex spoke up, "I don't care. That shouldn't matter."

"Dude! you don't live down here. You're here for another week and then you're gone again. And won't be back for a while. How is that going to work?"

Alex shook his head at Austin, "What's it to you Austin? Why does it matter to you what I do?"

"It doesn't. But you've been with Ashley for 2 years now. You're going to just throw it away? You ain't about that life."

"If only you felt what I felt."

*Austin's P.O.V*

"If only you felt what I felt." His words repeated for a moment in my mind.

"I do feel it. Everyday with Jennifer. If you felt the rush in your veins, that jolt and butterflies in your stomach, that tingly feeling everywhere and just wanting to squeeze her and never let go, then go after her. Those are feelings hard to find."

Alex shook his head yes, "I felt that. All in a split second."

I sat there for a second and then I became aware that the girls are still in the room. It was like they had become invisible.

Kayla sat up and wrapped her arms around Alex.

Then Alex said, "I just want to kiss her and hold her. I really just wanna kiss her right now."

Kayla smiled from ear to ear.

I looked over and Jen was smiling too.

Jen grabbed me into a tight embrace. And I smiled to. She kissed me on the cheek. And I smiled bigger.

*Jen's P.O.V*

I looked at Austin's blushing face.

He meant everything he said. I know it. I felt it in my heart.

"So what now guys?" I stroked my fingers in Austin's hair.

"Yeah. So what now?" Kayla smiled at Alex as they met eyes.

"Well now that this is all said and done, maybe you girls should go home."

Home. Mom. I didn't tell her where I was or anything.

"Good idea!!" I shouted, "See you guys later!"

I grabbed up Kayla and yanked her out the door. I just had her stay with me that night.

Mom luckily still wasn't home. No confessing!

I was in a state of shock after everything that had happened.

I can't picture Kayla pregnant.

And every time I do, I see this big perfectly round belly bouncing around during a basketball game.

Cheerleading. She can't cheer pregnant.

Then she broke my thoughts,

"I'm going to get an abortion."


"It's what's best, I'm too young for all this. I have my whole life ahead."

"No! You can't! That's wrong! You know it! You can give it up for adoption after you have it!"

"But I'm afraid that if I hold that baby just once, I won't let go. That would be my baby that is in my belly. That I carried and nurtured for 9 months."

I sat there for a short moment, understanding yet, kind of confused.

"I don't know what to tell you Kay. And you haven't even told your parents yet.."

She looked at me with eyes wide open, "My God, I-I didn't even...think. How will I tell them?! Tell them that I drank?! Tell them that I was the one who didn't want protection?! Tell them...everything?!"

I patted her on the back trying to comfort her. What else was I to do?

"My parents will kill me.."

"Maybe not..I mean they were our age once too.."

"Yeah but mom and dad weren't 16 and pregnant.."

She sat there for a second, "What about Alex?"

"What about him?" I asked.

"What do you think he thinks of me?"

"Well obviously he likes you.."

"What do you think he'll think of me if I abort the baby?"

"I don't know...but the way it seems to me, he's ready to be a daddy for you. He told Austin that he didn't care you were pregnant."

She cracked a smile, "Yeah, it kind of seems like he cares."

"Well of course he cares."

She nodded her head, "Yeah.."

Then I couldn't resist asking, "What-What was"


"You know, you and Kyle."

"Oh! I hate to admit it, but it was nice. He was gentle with me. He lightly touched me. Never kissed though."

"What did it feel like?"

"It hurt. Hurt so bad at first. But after you get you used to it, it's the best thing you'll ever feel. Especially at the end."

"What's at the end?"

"Jen! You know..."


"That's the best part."

I nodded.

"But, after you do it, it's all you think about. I think that's why girls our age are whores and boys are sex crazed. I can't stop thinking about it myself. But I won't let myself be that girl."

After she stated this I realized, I'm a sex crazed virgin. What would happen if I did have sex? I'd be a monster.

Sorry I haven't updated in so long. :(
So what do you think about Kayla? Abortion? COMMENT AND VOTE❤️

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