Chapter 40

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I laid there stiff as a board. Wondering if he was in the house. If he is, is he coming for me? Is my mom okay?

"Austin. Did you hear that?"

"Yes..let's go look."

"No! Let's just go lock my door! Please!"

"And leave your mom?"

I sighed and we both crawled out of bed.

Austin grabbed my hand and held on tight, as if to keep us from being separated.

We hear another noise in the kitchen.

"Austin?" I whispered.

He didn't respond and gave me the 'be quiet' sign.

We looked downstairs and seen that the front door was closed.

Is this a good sign? Or did he lock it behind him so no one could walk in on our murder..

As we were going down the stairs, we seen a light in the the kitchen turn on.

We tip-toed over to the front entry of the kitchen.

"Hey what are you doing?" mom said as she walked out of the bathroom hallway next to the kitchen.

Austin and I both jumped. Austin grabbed me tight like he was protecting me.

"Jesus! Mom you scared us."

"Well what are you doing?"

"We heard the front door open. We were just coming to see what was going on. Burglars mom, BURGLARS!"

"That was me. I woke up and thought I heard someone running outside. So I looked."

We both sighed of relief and gave each other a look because we knew who was running.

"Well, I'm going to bed." Austin said.

I rolled my eyes and headed back upstairs.

Austin met me in my door.

"Jen, I'm gonna sleep in the guest room for your mom." He kissed me, "You're fine. That window is locked good. Just lock your door. Please?"

I agreed and watched him go into his room and close the door.

I did the same.

I locked the door immediately behind me.

I crawled into bed and thought about Austin in the room next to me.

I fell peacefully asleep.


I had never had a better nights sleep.

I went to Austin's room and jumped on the bed to wake him up.

He woke up with a smile.

I crawled up on top of him and sat on him.

I leaned down and kissed him big.

I ran my finger down his abs.

He pulled me in for a kiss.

When our lips almost touched, I held back.

"Time for school." I smiled and whispered into his parted lips that were wanting mine so bad.

I smiled and lightly smacked his chest. I got up and walked out of the room.

Looking back and flashing him a smile, he was already smiling back.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I put on make up and pulled my hair back into a messy bun. I was wearing a hot pink sweater and skinny jeans with Uggs.

Austin came out of my bathroom drying his wet hair with one towel and had another wrapped around his waist.

I shivered at the beautiful sight.

"Austin! Hurry or we will be late!"

He smiled to me and kissed me.

When he came out of the guest room, he was wearing a red hoodie and jeans with red Jordan's.

He's so gorgeous.

We got in his car and he drove me too school.

Alex and Kayla were in normal spots.

"Where were you A-Meezy?" Alex yelled.

A-Meezy? What?

"I was at Jen's. I'll actually probably stay another night."

Alex looked at us funny.
Kay was just all smiles.

I was in shock, too. I didn't even know he was staying again.

That evening, Austin was upstairs in the guest room doing God knows what.

I was fixing Austin, Mom, and I spaghetti.

Austin seemed excited and mom was appreciative.

"This is wonderful, Jennifer. Thanks for doing this." Mom said.

I smiled and jogged up to my room to get a hair tie before tearing in to my spaghetti.

"If you say a word or make one sound, I'll beat you and kill your boyfriend." There was a hand covering my mouth.

He was behind me causing me to never see his face.

He pulled me to the bed and threw me down face first into my pillow.

He tugged at the back of my jeans which luckily were too tight for him to pull off.

"Jennifer hurry up it's getting cold!" Austin yelled.

He quickly got off of me at the sound of Austin's voice.

"You go down there and don't say a word. I will kill you." He pushed me out the door, "And don't think this is the last time you'll see me either."

I tied my hair back with a rubber band on my wrist. I walked down and spooned out some food into mine and everyone else's plates.

I tear streamed down my eye.

"What's wrong?" Austin put his hand on my back.


"Honey, what's the matter really?" Mom looked at me crooked.


They both started talking at the same time.

"Whatever is wrong you can tell me."

"Don't hold it in just let it out."

"I can help you."

I finally flipped, "NOTHING IS WRONG DAMMIT!!!"

I slammed my plate to the floor.

I ran upstairs, but I wouldn't dare go back to my room. So I went to Austin's room-I mean..the guest room.

I put on Austin's hoodie. At the time I wasn't sure why I put it on, but I think I just felt safe and comfy in his hoodie. I just wanted to feel alright.

Austin and mom finished up eating. I didn't even have an appetite after having a run in with this sick being of a man.

Austin came in the guest room, shocked to see me laying in bed wearing his hoodie and crying.

"Sorry I'll go to the living room."

"No please! Come lay down with me!"

He looked at me funny, "You just had a fit on us?"


He walked over too me and laid down beside me. I scooted over and put my back up against the wall. He stroked my hair.

More silent tears came rolling out.

"Jennifer please tell me what's wrong!"

"I can't!"

"What happened to 'No more secrets'!?"

"I can't. I can't I'm sorry." I was barely audible.

I wrapped my arms around him and gripped him. Crying into his chest while he rubbed my back.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? Please? Please.."

"Of course, babe."

It was the first night he slept with his back against me.

If only he knew how much I need him right now.

The next morning, I went to school and put on a fake smile but on occasion, my sadness shone through.

Austin seems like he's mad at me for not telling him what's going on.

But how am I supposed to know if this guy is bluffing or not when he said he would kill me or Austin?

In seventh hour, of all hours Austin wasn't in, I was sitting by the window when I see someone looking in at me.

I didn't even think twice, I knew who it was.

Well not technically...but I knew it's the guy who's been sneaking in on me.

His head was covered by a hood and I was unable to see his face. I wanted to scream for Austin and be in his muscular arms to keep me so safe...

I looked away and squeezed my eyes shut so tight. I was ready for all this junk to be over.

Austin took me home that afternoon, I sat there quietly.

He turned up the radio for me I think. It was such an awkward silence.

"And while I wait, I put on my perfume!"

I began to laugh. Thinking back to the day I heard this a million times.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Nothing it a long story." I smiled.

"I've got time.."

"Well, this is the song I listened to on repeat all day while you and Cassidy were together..see listen to the lyrics."

I turned it up louder for him to hear.

He began to laugh at the perfectness of the lyrics and that situation and how well they went together.

By this point, we have it up full blast just a jamming out to it.

Dancing and singing.


The next thing I know we are upside down.

But yet, the sound of the squealing tires and breaking glass played over in my head like a broke record player.

I was so sure I was dead.

"Austin! Austin! Are you-" I began to cough from the impact on my chest, "Are you okay?! AUSTIN!!"

I'm trying to reach Austin to check his pulse, but before I got the chance, I was being drug out of the wreckage by the thing in the road we just dodged. My 'Mystery Creep'.

I began to kick and scream and fight back but nothing loosened his grip.

Finally, it hurt, but I busted his nose with my head.

"You bitch!" He hissed at me.

I quickly turned around and kicked him in the face. His hood flew off.

I gasped, "I KNEW IT WAS YOU!!" I screamed bloody murder and she's a tear or two.

While he was still down, I ran to Austin's side.

"Austin!! OH MY GOD!"

He was just hanging there upside down. Not moving, not making a sound. Not even trying to get his seat belt undone.

I was almost to afraid to check his pulse.

I reached over slow to check it, shaking with every inch closer I was, and then I began to cry.

HAPPY 40Th🎉🎉
I tried to make it the best chapter for you guys!!❤️

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now