Chapter 36

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That Monday, I just watched Austin all day.

I watched for if he looked at me any different than he used to. Talked to me any different.

I don't want to be In A broken relationship.

But when I looked in his eyes, it's like there was still so much hurt there. Like I'd never be forgiven from. He had sad eyes.

I don't know how to fix it.

Want more can I do than just say sorry? I've already explained that I know what I've done and how awful I've been.

There's nothing else I can do, is there?

When he looked and me and smiled, it didn't feel the same as that old, heart warming smile he gave me.

I felt my heart sink.

In eighth hour, I spoke up, "Austin, let's go back. To before this mess happened. Let's act like we never broke up. Like I never did anything wrong!"


"Austin I see the way you look at me now. You don't love me anymore and if you do, it's less than what you used too. You've got pain in your eyes. I can see it clear as day."

He sat there and stared at me before saying anything, "Can things really be normal again? Can we really act like it never happened? We won't be the same until I know I can trust you again."

Trust. That's a word that now meant so much to me.

"Come over to my house after school. We need to talk."

He agreed as the bell to be dismissed was ringing.

Time to tell him all about Brantley and I.

He came in and sat down in the floor. I sat down with him.

"So I have to tell you about Brantley and me."

"What about you guys?"

"I should've told you this the day we talked about Virginity's."

Austin stood up and walked out of my room. He thought that I lied about being a virgin.

I grabbed him by the arm, "That's your problem! You have no clue what I was about to say before

You just stormed off. Stop making assumptions and actually listen to what I'm telling you."

He looked at me sympathetically and sat back down into the floor.

"Now, what I was saying, I told you that when Brantley and I were together, I was rebellious."


"Well, I did some stuff with Brantley that I'd never done before."

"Like what?"

"When him and I made out,

I know, rubbed him."

Austin stared at me with sickness.

"And I let him touch me..but only in my breast area."

Still no response.

"And I gave him a 'hand-job' whenever he told me told me too"

I started bawling. I didn't even look at Austin because it pained me so much to relive all that and tell my love that.

Austin scooted over and held me, still not saying anything.

"He wanted me to have sex with him but I never would because I was scared and wanted to wait until marriage!"

"Why didn't you want to wait for marriage anymore with me?"

"I did! But you just kept moving and I didn't tell you stop because I didn't want to lose you!"

I looked at Austin only to see how crappy he felt.

He gripped me tight, "Oh my God. I'm sorry. I didn't realize...I should've asked."

My sobs slowed down and I wiped my tears and blew my nose, "Brantley came over the other day."

"Yeah you told me."

"And he kept going on about all the nasty stuff I did and we did! I made him leave. As he was leaving he said 'We'll never be over.' I'm pretty much his booty call now."

"I'm gonna kill that guy."

I looked at Austin and actually laughed at him, "You're such a goof ball."

He hugged me tight and it was like a connection spark lit up between us. Like everything was behind us now.

I felt relieved and new. Like a weight was off of my shoulders.


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Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin