Chapter 19

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I was already thinking in my head how I could explain all this too my mom.

And by all this is mean,
1. Why he was over without her knowing.
2. Why I was on top of him like that.
3. Why we were enduring such a passionate kiss.

I have nothing.

I got to thinking about how if she said anything I can pull the "It could've been worse" card.

Other than that I was blank.

Mom got out of the vehicle. She had this look on her face. Like she didn't know what was happening.

"What's going on?" She finally asked.

Guess she didn't know...

"Hello Mrs. Tucker." Austin waved after setting me down.

"Oh honey, call me Jamie!" She shook his hand.

"Well, I should leave. Goodnight Jen. Goodnight Mrs.- I mean, Jamie!"

"Goodnight, sweetie!" Mom waved him on.

"Goodnight, Austin!" I yelled.

Mom turned her attention towards me. And she did not look like a happy camper.

"What was that, Jennifer?"


"Didn't look like nothing.."

"It could've been worse!" Perfect chance to say it..

"Like how?!"

"You could've caught us in the bedroom having sex!"

"You guys have had SEX?!"

Our neighbors were looking out the window.

"No mom! Test me! I'M A VIRGIN!!"

"Do we need to have 'The Talk'?"

"No! Mom. Can we drop this? Please? We were just kissing.."

"Okay...well. He doesn't need to be here unless I know it. I really don't want you guys to be alone, but, I can't stop you.."

I shook my head showing I understood.

She nodded back and we went inside.

"I've never been so embarrassed in my life."

"Now you know the feel! At least she didn't say anything in front of me!"

I had just told Austin about what happened after he left, "You're right. She just announced to the WHOLE neighbor hood."

"Okay okay. I get it. Still bad."


"So. Can she really test you?"

"Well yeah."

"How does that work?"

"Well. You see. Do I have to tell you?"


"Well...they look really close at your...uhh lady see if it's still intact.."

"What lady part?"

"A lady part.."

"What lady part??"

"The.." I cleared my throat and whispered, "hymen.."

"What's that?"


"If you don't tell me, I WILL ask my mom and tell her you told me about it.."

"A girls cherry! They check to see if your cherry is popped!!" I was getting angry.

"Oh. My god. Why would you tell me that?"


"Why would you tell me that??!"


He just burst into laughter.

I was breathing heavy. He was about to make me go insane. But I'd never leave him for that.

Later after Austin and I got off the phone, I got on my pajama's, grabbed a bag of 'Flaming Cheetos' and a Dr. Pepper and headed back up stairs.

I cranked up the music and plopped on my bed, laying on my back.

I stared at the ceiling and popped two Cheetos at a time in my mouth.

Just thinking about everything.

Thinking about how I thought things were bad before but, now it's like Austin has brought 3 times more drama into my life.

I thought he was a blessing.
He is my blessing.
Isn't he?

I literally started shaking my head. Trying to shake the thoughts out of my head.

I didn't want those thoughts in my head.

Then I started thinking, 'We are just starting out. What if this isn't even the worst of it?'

I couldn't keep my brain from thinking. It wouldn't stop going! It was like the freaking Energizer Bunny!

I decided that I should probably just got to bed. It is a school night.

I went downstairs to put away the rest of my Dr. Pepper and Cheetos. Mom was passed out on the couch downstairs.

I got into my room and flicked out the light. I left the music playing and slipped under the covers.

Sleep. Just what I need.

Great. Now my brain is going to conjure up every bad scenario possible.

It's going to be a long night..

I hope you guys are enjoying :)

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat