Chapter 48

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*Jen's P.O.V*

I woke up extremely early this morning. For many reasons.

One; It's Friday. I always dress up on Fridays.

Two; I'm going to Austin's to wake him up.

Why? Because if I get him up and monitor him I can make sure no drop of poison hits his lips.

I banged on the door excessively, "WAKE UPP!! Let me innnnn!!" I sang.

Alex opened the door in a t-shirt and boxers on, "Jennifer..what the hell."

"Is Austin awake?"

"No! Neither of us were..are.."

"Good! May I come in? Thanks!"

"I...never said yes..."

I ran upstairs to Austin's room. Alex lagging behind, like a zombie.

I slowly opened Austin's bedroom door, only to see him hanging off the side of the bed, sleeping.

I decided since I was here, I could do something nice.

I got in Austin's drawers and got out a pair of dark jeans, white socks, and a red t-shirt. I'd let him choose his own shoes.

I tip-toed downstairs and let myself into their fridge.

Eggs and bacon with some chocolate milk. Sounded good to me!

When the last of the bacon was frying, I ran upstairs and woke up Alex first since I didn't lay his clothes out.

He got up and began to get dressed and I walked into Austin's room.

"Austin...Austin.." I shook him.

"Hmmm" He groaned.


He rolled over and opened his eyes, "Jen?" He said in a sleepy voice.

"Yeah get your butt up! Your clothes are over there. Breakfast downstairs. Hurry. It'll get cold."

He looked at me confused and slowly got out of bed.

I made my way over to the doorway and stood in the frame of the door and watched him.

He looked at me and smirked, "You like what you see?"

"Well of course! But that's not why I am standing here."

"Yeah, uh, why are you here? I thought you were mad at me."

"I am...Was...I'm just making sure you don't do know..stupid."

He gave me a glance, "Wow. Well okay."

"Don't tell me you're mad.."

He walked passed me and downstairs to eat; Alex already down there, "No. I'm actually not mad..a little hurt that you don't trust me."

"I just love you. Don't take it too personally."

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me grinning. He kissed my forehead.

We proceeded downstairs.

"Thank God! I thought you guys were never coming! I took the liberty of taking the bacon out of the pan so it will cool." Alex said, then dug into his meal.

Austin took his seat and I sat his plate in front of him along with his glass of chocolate milk.

I ate what was left.

Alex was the first to finish, "Guys, we still have 45 minutes until school..."

They both turned their attention towards me.

"What?" I said after taking a drink.

"What time did you wake up this morning?!" Alex shouted.

"Five...." I said embarrassed.

"I just lost my appetite...Just kidding. But really, you woke up that early for me?" Austin spoke.

"Yeah..I had too."

Austin finished and I was the only one left eating.

I finished five minutes later, "So now what?"

The boys looked at me.

"You woke up a little too early." Alex said.

I agreed, "Well I had to look nice, too."

"You do look really nice in that pink shirt.." Austin smiled.

"Yeah I do, don't I?" I winked.

I was wearing a pink button up shirt that was see through with a white tank underneath.


"Well today wasn't to bad." I said as Austin and Alex got into my car.

"No. It actually wasn't." Austin said.

"We are High Schoolers! Do we really need a 'Fun Day'?" Alex shouted while getting buckled.

"Well, Me and Austin would rather have a fun day than sit in a classroom all day long."

"It's Volleyball! That's not fun! You and Austin didn't even play either."

"Dude. We got sodas and sweets all day while sitting in the gym doing nothing. Shut up, Alex." Austin play hit him.

I drove onto my house.

"Uh Jen.." Alex stuck his head up from the backseat, "This is not Austin's place."

"Yeah I know."

"Well why are we here?"

"We should have another slumber party!"

"No!" Austin screamed, "You KNOW what happened last time!"

"Jesus Christ, Austin, get over it and have a little bit of fun!"

"I don't feel comfortable with it either, Jennifer" Alex said while scratching his head.

"Come on...Please? I'm inviting Kay, too. Nothing bad will happen."

They both sighed and gave into me. I drove them back to their house and let them get their clothes. I picked up Kayla afterwards.


We order a giant pizza. I can't even stress to you how many cans of soda were in my room either.

We were playing Truth or Dare when I heard my mom come home. My stomach turned. hopefully she won't be mad. I mean. Austin and I aren't alone.

She knocked on the door, "Jennifer..uh may I speak to you?"

Oh great. Here we go.

I stepped outside my door.

"Jennifer! What's this?"

"They're going to stay the night..I didn't think you'd have a problem.."

"Normally I wouldn't! But you at least should have asked!" she whisper-screamed.


"You're getting a visit from your father tonight!"

No. Please God, let her be lying straight to my face.


I apologize to all you readers. It seems as if my chapters are getting shorter and shorter. I hope you enjoy!

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