Chapter 9

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I called Austin still contemplating a little on whether I should tell him or not.

"Hey baby!"

"Hey Austin!"

"So what about girls night?"

"It was awful."

"Why? What happened?"

"All she did was sit and play on her phone the whole time!"

"Was that the worst part?"

" was ugh. Stupid."

"You're sure that's all that happened?"

I was starting to panic by this point. Did Kayla tell him? I could feel my stomach twisting.

"Yeah that's all.."



"You butt dialed me yesterday and it sounded like a lot of yelling...A LOT."

"Yeah Kayla got onto me. No big deal.."

"So her playing on her phone is a bigger deal than her cussing at you and yelling at you?"

"It's whatever..ya know? We're girls we'll get over it."

"Yeah. So what was she yelling about?"

"Something stupid. About Logan. I don't know I think she likes him or something.."

"Tell me!"

"I did! I just did.."

"Jen tell me now! For real!"

I paused for a moment not knowing whether I should tell him or not. He had heard her cursing at me so I'm sure he heard it all. Might as well not lie to him.

"Well she was yelling at me because I got flowers from Logan..they were 'I'm sorry' flowers and I refused them twice but he insisted. I put them in my room and she was about to have a conniption over it saying I had a boyfriend and I know better. It was retarded.."


"Are you mad?"


"Means yes. Your mad I kept the flowers. Well if it makes you happy they're gone now."

"I said I wasn't mad."

"Yeah I bet. I'm gonna get off here And go to bed. I have church in the morning."

"Okay. See ya."

I plugged in my phone. It was showing I had 3% battery life left. I just knew he was mad at me. I felt awful. Taking the flowers didn't seem as bad as what it had sounded.

I climbed up into bed and laid staring at the ceiling. He didn't even say 'I love you' before hanging up. Which doesn't mean anything. I personally thought we were going to over use the term. But I still can't get the feeling of guilt out of me. And I was also really scared of losing Austin. And with all of these thoughts and feelings, I drifted to sleep.


The next morning I woke up for church. I threw on a pair of black leggings and A form fitting pink dress with a black belt around the waist. I slipped on my gray Bob's and made my way to the mirror. I put on a little eye liner and ChapStick. No lip gloss this time around. I doubled checked myself in the mirror. I didn't feel pretty. I guess I looked it. But I didn't feel it. Afterwards I got in my vehicle and went to church.

When I got to church and got in my normal seat, which was one row away from the last row in back by the doors, I got settled and stood and clapped my hands to the music. I heard the doors behind me open and I turned around to find Austin walking towards me.

"What are you doing here?"

He leaned in a kissed me on the forehead, "I told you I'm not mad. And I just want to see you."

"So you came for me and not God?"

"No! Oh my gosh, Jen! I came for the both of you! I got to church you know? Just not this one."

"Oh. I'm sorry!"

We clapped and bounced to the new aged music that my church plays. After about 15 minutes of singing, we took our seats and it was time for Pastor Chad to come out and preach to us.

After church, Austin had me meet him at the Dairy Barn so we could talk face to face. I knew he wasn't mad at me now so I wasn't as nervous as what I would've been if he was.

I finally arrived and found Austin sitting in the back corner waving me over. I walked to him and took my seat.

"Well, hello handsome" I winked trying to be cute.

"Well, hello gorgeous. What would you like?"

"Uhh..just a small ice cream cone."

The waitress came by and took our orders. Austin ordered a big ice cream sundae with lots of chocolate.

"So Jennifer, you seem like you're not even worried about Kayla and you being friends again or not."

"I'm not. Because I know no matter what we'll always be friends. Always."

"What if all that just ended though. It seemed pretty intense to me."

"It's fine! It was a slight girl fight. No big deal.."

"Well okay then. If this is what you believe then so be it!"

The waitress brought us our desserts and after an hour and a half of talking and Austin wiping ice cream on my face, it was time to go home. Probably time to give Kayla a call too..

**Kayla's POV**

I'm so sick of the way Jennifer is acting. I mean, I guess I was a little harsh. And I do feel a little bad. But, she ditched me, and stopped talking to me, and then the Logan thing. She needed to hear how she was being. Which then again, I've never seen her THIS happy with a guy before. Austin seems really happy to be with her too.

I was laying in bed listening to music when Jennifer called me;

"What?" I was trying not to sound too mean.

"I just wanted to apologize to you. For whatever I did to set you off. For everything really."

I didn't want to give in to her. But it was too damn hard not too.

"Oh Jen! I'm sorry too! I miss you! And love you! You're my best friend!"

"Yay!! Ill see you tomorrow at school, love!"

"Okay, girl!"

After that phone call it felt like a burden was lifted from my shoulders and chest. And I was in a better mood for the rest of the night!

**Jen's POV**

Now that the whole Kayla thing was settled, I felt better. And I think Austin will feel a bit better now too.

I was getting on my comfy clothes when I heard my phone buzzing.
I picked up my phone and slid my thumb across 'Slide to view'. It was a text from Logan.

From Logan:
Did you love my flowers? :)

I began to think about everything I had just went through. I wasn't going to reply. It wasn't worth it. At all. I deleted it and set my phone aside.

I went downstairs and grabbed me a 'Lunchable' and a Sunkist. I made my way back up the stairs soaking up the dark that was all over the house. It was about 10:30 at night and It was kind of nice being alone.

I made it back into my room. I set my Sunkist on my bedside table and my 'Lunchable' on my bed. My phone was buzzing again. I picked it up and had 4 missed calls from Austin. Before I could even call him back, I heard something hitting my window. My first thought was Logan was here because I didn't respond to his text.

I looked out my window to find austin throwing pebbles at my window. I smiled because it was like a movie. I ran downstairs to greet him. I got out the doors and ran around the corner of the house to find him. He was still standing there looking up at my window. I ran to him and hugged him. But the happiness left my body when he pushed me off. I noticed he was shaking a little.

"Austin are you okay?"

"No. I-I. Sh-She. I do-don't know what I'm gonna d-do."

"Austin calm down. What's wrong?"
I gently rubbed his arm.

"Ca-Cassidy. She came to my house."

"Yeah?" I was beginning to get mad.

"Sh-She was drunk I think. I don't know. But she invited her self in. She was obviously not in her right mind. I was trying to be nice as possible.."

"Nice about what..."

"She threw herself at me. And kissed me. And..."

I got to thinking about what Logan did. He almost raped me and I didn't run to Austin's house shaking scared. I hid everything from him. I didn't understand why he was so scared. She's a girl. He could take care of it, easy. I rubbed my hand up and down his back, "And what, baby? I can't help if you don't tell me."

"I pushed her off of me. But, I gu-guess I pushed to ha-hard..and she fell back and hit her head really hard on my moms flower pot. Like she broke it hard. And no-now she's laying in my living room floor blee-bleeding. Not bad but bleeding and unconscious. I don't know what to do."

I felt my stomach drop. I felt my blood run cold. And I was praying to God that Cassidy's blood wasn't doing the same...

Intense...sorry it's a bit boring at first. Hope you're loving it so far :) COMMENT AND VOTE ❤

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