Chapter 38

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Austin left later that afternoon.

I'm not going to lie, I'm a little afraid to sleep in my own bed, or go anywhere in the house.

To know someone broke in? They could still be in my huge house hiding somewhere I'd never know!

But hopefully, whoever is was, they weren't stupid enough to stick around. Right?

I sat at the kitchen bar flipping through a magazine. To keep myself calm, I started to think back to all the days Austin sang to me.

His soothing voice melted me like butter and sent chills down my spine. It's insane what that boy does to me.

Mom got home at 9:30 that night, I went up to my room then because I didn't trust staying in there alone.

Before closing the door, I checked everywhere in my room possible. Under my bed. In my closet. Behind my door.

After seeing no one, I closed and locked the door and window.

I laid there in bed knowing I should go to sleep but I just couldn't.

I found this as an excuse to be a little flirty with Austin. I gave him a call.

"Hey babe!" He said in a raspy, sleepy voice that sent chills everywhere.

"Hey!" I smiled, "It's not too late is it?"

"It's never too late for you."

"You need to come over and stay again."

He giggled, "Why?"

"I need someone to come and protect me."

"From what?"

I sighed, "In all seriousness, I really am afraid. What if the person who broke in will break In again."

"Do you really want me too?"

I thought for a second, "Well yeah. But mom is home. So you can't!" I said all sad.

"Don't you have a window?"

After 20 minutes of waiting around, three taps were on the window.

Austin dove in through the window tackling me onto my bed since it lays right under my window.

He kissed me over and over. I smiled and laughed.

He was wearing a hoodie and jeans. He had brought an over night bag with him.

"Babe I'm gonna change." He smiled.

He walked over to the corner of my bedroom and stripped off his hoodie, revealing his toned flesh.

I batted my eye lashes and smiled, shaking his head.

He slid his jeans down and was in nothing but green and white striped boxers.

For som odd reason, I instinctively closed my eyes.

He dove onto the bed with me wearing nothing but that.

He cuddled in close to me.

His warm skin felt good against mine that was wearing yoga shorts and a tank.

He had his arm wrapped snuggly tight around me.

I felt so happy. He had his nose on the back of my head and he would occasionally kiss my head and my neck.

He began to quietly sing and hum to me.

I smiled and turned over to face him. His voice was so soothing and soft, It was like an angel. I held him tight until I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up for church. Austin was still out like a light.

I quietly got out of bed to get on some clothes and brush my teeth. I took a look at Austin. So cute while he's sleeping.

Then I realized, my shorts and underwear. Gone.

I looked under the covers. Austin still had on his boxers. My shorts and undies weren't under the covers either.

I quickly grabbed some clothes and ran to the bathroom. It's nothing that he's never seen. But I'm sure he'd wonder where my clothes went too.

I hurried up and changed and ran back into my room.

Then I noticed it.

My window wasn't completely closed.

When I let Austin in last night, I didn't lock back my window!

I began shaking Austin to wake him up, "Austin! Austin wake up!"

He slowly awoke from what seemed to be a deep sleep.

"What's wrong, Jen?!" He said in an extremely sleepy voice.

I pointed at the window.

He looked at me and looked back, "What?"

Remember, no more secrets, "I also woke up this morning shorts were gone. And my underpants..."

He looked at me with wide eyes, "WHAT?!"

I sat there twiddling my thumbs, "Austin, I'm really afraid. Am I being violated in my sleep?"

I said this not wanting to believe what I just said.

But honestly, one person came quick to my mind.


"We will never be over. You know that."

*Flashback over*

That line repeated in my head.

It's obvious who is doing this.

But why?


Writers block! I apologize:(

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