Chapter 10

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I walked with Austin back to his house. I was hoping and praying to God that she was okay. I kept thinking a lot about how things will be if she is okay. Just more rumors for her to spread around the school. I can hear it now: "No wonder Austin and Jennifer are together, he's not much different from her dad!" Blah. Blah. Blah.

Austin walked in the door. I was too scared too look so I had my face buried in his back. He was still shaking a little. I felt Austin stop dead in his tracks. I peeked out around Austin.

Cassidy was gone. But a small puddle of her blood was still there along with the purple broken flower pot. I looked at Austin. He couldn't take his eyes off of the sight.

"Maybe we should go find her!" Austin said never breaking his stare.

"I don't know. There's no telling where she is now."

"I know you hate her, but please. We have to see if she's okay. Please!"

I was thinking to myself that if she got up and walked out she was okay. I know that's an awful thought but it was true. But I gave into him, "Okay let's go.."

We spent the next 3 hours driving around looking for her. We drove by her house and actually found her on her porch steps. I felt relief seeing that she made it home, but we had no clue how she was doing.

Austin slammed on his brakes and left his vehicle in the middle of the road. He leaped out and ran to her.

"She's breathing!" He yelled to me.

I got out to run over to them. She was breathing. And she had dried blood on The back of her head. I also knew it wasn't safe for her to be sleeping.

"We have to get her inside." Austin was checking her pulse.

"Are you nuts. What about her parents?!"

"I don't think they're home. Come on I can't leave her like this."

"Fine. But we have to hurry. Please!"

She had her house key in her purse. I opened the door and we picked her up. We carried her up into what I assumed was her bathroom. Austin laid her head in The sink and began to wash off the blood. She was wearing a dress so, I slid a pair of fluffy pajama pants that was laying on the towel rack under her dress. She was, luckily, wearing a tank top under her dress. Since Austin was washing her head, I slid her dress down to her feet instead of over her head.

"How's her head?" I leaned forward to see the wound.

"It's so's just a little scrape. Look at this!"

I peeked over to see that it was a little scrape. "Austin, we have to wake her."

"What?! Why?!"

"To make sure she isn't in a coma or something.."

"But, what if she sees us, Jen?"

I didn't know how to go about that. Not even 5 minutes later I had an idea.

I wrapped a towel around her eyes. We slowly took a cup of cold water and dumped on her head. We slowly shook her and we repeated her name. It took a few minutes, and she finally came too.

"What's this? What's going on? Who are you?" She was touching the towel on her eyes.

"Shhhh shhhh. You're dreaming. Go back to sleep." Austin was caressing her head. And even though it meant nothing, jealous was burning in My body.

She shook her head and went back to sleep. We carried her to her bedroom and laid her on the covers. We knew it was he room because there was a big sparkly sign that said 'Cassidy' above her head board.

We sat at the end of her be for a moment. She went right back to sleep. We took the towel off of her eyes. Austin gave me a glance. And I knew the deed was done.


The next day at school, Austin and I were walking down the hallway and keeping a look out for Cassidy. We really tried not to think about last night but, there was no avoiding it. There was no acting like it never happened.

It was 6th hour and Austin and I were waiting for Cassidy to come in. We hadn't seen her all day which worried us.

"Has anyone seen Cassidy?" Mrs. Vickery was scanning the room.

"She's at home sick. She said she felt like she got hit by a bus." Lani was telling her.

I looked at Austin. He was in a dead stare when he turned and looked at me.

"Well at least we know she's okay.."

Austin whispered.

I smiled at him and nodded. I felt a relief that she was okay. Austin was more scared than what I was. And that was understandable. I guess I could've taken it a little more serious than what I was, though. But, when you hate someone it's harder to do that.

**Tuesday Afternoon**

I was sitting in Austin's room playing with my pencil. Austin was downstairs getting us Soda and popcorn.

"One for the lady," he handed me my soda. "And one for me!"

"We really need to get this Algebra done."

"But, Jen...Jenny...JENNIFER. I don't want too.."

"Don't be a baby!"

He batted his eyelashes and made a pout, "Lets cheat! Pleeeaassee?"

"No! That's not how you get smart!"

I grabbed his head.

Austin ended up getting his way for the next 15 minutes. We wasted time having a popcorn catching contest with our mouths. Austin was purposely throwing them hard so I couldn't catch them.

"Okay for real. We have to do our homework."

"Noooo....." He pouted at me again.

"Yes! Come on, now!"

Austin rolled his eyes at me and grabbed our books and homework and laid it on his bed. He got up and I remained sitting in the floor.

"You know," he pulled out his guitar, "I never got to sing my song to you."

I felt tears welp up in my eyes a little, "Aww Austin!"

He began to play guitar and sing. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. His voice had so much depth to it. His fingers were so gentle on the guitar as he strummed. His voice and the guitar formed into perfect harmony.

"So? How did you like it?"

"Austin....I loved it.." I gave him a kiss.

He blushed a little.

"Really? Did you really?" He sat the guitar to the side. And I replaced the guitar with me on his lap.

"Really really!" I smiled and kissed him again. "Play aga-" I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

It was Kyle. I looked at Austin and he scrunched his face at me.

"Don't answer that. Please."

"What made you think I was going too?"

"I'm just telling you that if you's on between me and him."

I declined the call and turned off my phone, "You know I think there's been enough excitement for a while..."

******** you think they've had enough excitement?


Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now