Chapter 34

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This beautiful Saturday morning is a little brighter to me than what it probably really was.

I didn't want to do anything but smile.

I got my darling back and I was happier than ever. It felt like the air was a little thinner and I could breath a little better.

Austin wanted to take me out to eat so we could talk and such.

I wanted to dress nice so I wore a pair of white capris with teal flats.
I put on a gray long sleeve shirt that has a band around the hips and a gray scarf.

Flat ironed hair.

Eye liner. Cherry lip gloss. Perfume.

I went downstairs with my mother to wait for Austin. We talked about how we think the evening will go.

"Honey, I just don't think this night will go perfect like you think it will."

"What makes you say that?!"

"Well you guys just got out of a horrid fight and just got back into a relationship. I think it will be awkward."

"Yeah-" I was cut off by a knocking on the door.

I shrieked like a girl whose prom date just arrived.

I double checked myself in the mirror. Looking good.

I opened the door greeted with a handsome smiling face that made my heart completely melt.

I smiled big back to him.

I felt fuzzy and warm and happy. Excited and like the butterflies in my stomach were going nuts.

I said good bye to my mom as she closed the door behind us.

He opened the passenger side door for me. I hopped in.

Is my face red? Why is my face red?

He got in the drivers side, "Why is your face so red?" He laughed.

"It's stupid."

He nudged me, "Tell me!"

"'s you."

He laughed, "It's not like we are meeting for the first time!"

"I know. I know."

He buckled and backed out of the driveway.

We drove a little while when he pulled into Red Lobster.

My mom and I used to come here all the time when we had a girls day. But I haven't been here in years.

Austin walked me inside and we were seated in a booth.

Our waiter walked up and took our drink orders. He didn't even look up.

"I'll have a water." I said.

"Dr. Pepper." Austin said.

The waiter looked up and gave me a funny stare.

"What was that?" Austin asked.

"I have no clue.."

Austin looked over at him while he was standing at the kitchen waiting for our drinks.

The waiter kept glancing back at us. Then he brought us our drinks and stared at me again.

"Okay what's this dudes problem. I don't want him to ruin our night." Austin said not taking his eyes off of him while he walked back to the podium.

"I don't know." I grabbed his hands into mine on the table, "Lets not worry about him. He's irrelevant."

Austin smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

We got our food ordered and the same waiter brought out our food.

He sat the food down and gave me a final look, "Oh my God. I know you! Jennifer! You remember me right?"

I looked at Austin with the most confused look on my face, "I'm sorry. I don't..who are you?"

"Really?" He pointed to his name tag, "Brantley! We dated for several months. Then I moved.."

My eyes widened and my heart started racing.

"Oh Brantley! Hi. It's been a while! This is my boyfriend Austin. Austin this is Brantley."

Austin did a silent nod to him.

"Well, I have to go back to work. Maybe we can talk later?"

"Um I don't know..I doubt it."

His face frowned and he walked away.

Austin turned to me, "Another boyfriend?"

"I forgot ALL about him. I swear."

"So tell me about it."

"To be honest, since we are starting over, I was 15 and after my know...I was a little rebellious. Brantley was my mothers friends son. He was 18 and we only dated for like a month and a half. Before me and Kyle. Before Me and Logan."

"Then why does he seem so concerned for you?"

"He was my first kiss and we went through a lot and stuff. But, maybe he's just being polite?"

"Are the feelings still there?"



"I promise you! You're the only one I care about."

He smiled from ear to ear. We began eating and I asked him about Cassidy.

"She was really nice and sweet and seemed a lot like she cared but she was so different from you. I swear I never thought that she would cheat."

"I'm sorry it happened. You looked happy with her."

"I wasn't as happy as I looked, trust me. You were on my mind the whole time."

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too, Jen. I missed you so much."

After a great night of laughs and lovely food, we were on our way out.

As we were walking out the door, Brantley grabbed my wrist.

"Take care of yourself.." And he kissed me on the forehead.

I just got back with Austin. I can't let him ruin it.

"Brantley. Were done. I'm with Austin now. I love him. Move on."

He gave me a hurt look and Austin
gave him a death look.

It was an awkward car ride until we got to my house.

"So Austin, would you like to come in?"


We we t upstairs to my bedroom. Mom was gone but I don't think it was to work though.

"What did he mean 'Take care of yourself?'"

"It's time to come completely clean." I sighed deep, "I used too...self harm. He helped me through it. I hope you don't look at me any different.."

He wrapped me into an embracing hug.

Things still feel weird. And this would happen on the night we reconnect.

MOST BORING CHAPTER EVER! I am so sorry my loves..
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