Chapter 21

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I knew my best friend was in some deep shit.

"You're pregnant?!"

All she could do was cry.
And cry.

I held her in my arms, "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you tell Austin?"

She sniffled, "I-I know you're going to hate me. I to-told Austin because I knew he could he-help."

"I won't hate you! Why would I hate you!?"

"Because it''s" there was a long pause while she cried more, "it's Kyle's baby!"

Right then. Right then. Everything made total sense.

Why Kyle wouldn't tell me who the mother was. Why she needed to tell me.

"Kayla! NO! I am not mad at you! He told me all about what happened! He just didn't tell me it was you!"

She shook her head at me and wiped her tears.

Alex made his way back to where we were.

He seen all the hugging and crying, "Why don't we leave and go back to Austin's house."

"Good idea." I agreed, "but we need some clothes to change into. These dresses are super uncomfortable."

We went back to my house.

I threw on some fuzzy pants and a two fingered tank.

Kayla was wearing the same thing.

I was a little mad at her. But then I was wondering why I was mad. I'm over Kyle. Right?

We went back to Austin's house and we all sat in a circle in the middle of Austin's living room floor.

I couldn't believe how open Kayla was about it in front of Alex.

It actually made me wonder..

"So Kayla, does Alex know?"

She shook her head yes.

It felt like everyone knew but her best friend.

I also felt really bad because this whole time I was being so selfish.

I didn't once think that something was wrong with either of them.
I just assumed that he was cheating and my best friend was the one he was cheating with.

"Why in the world was you with Kyle, anyways?"

"I was at a party.."

Kelly Harbors annual 'My parents are
Gone on vacation and I'm rich' party.

She went to the party with out me?

"You went with out me?"

"Well you're always busy with Austin now. I didn't bother asking."

I began to feel bad. I am a little infatuated.
And I've thrown everything else out of the window.

Then the thing that I had been thinking about since she told me she was pregnant.

"Why didn't you want a condom Kayla?" I was so curious.

"I was drunk and Kyle was coming on so strong and...and..."

She burst out into tears again and fell back on her back. She wrapped the blanket she had on her shoulders around her face.

Alex, surprisingly, scooted over to her and laid down beside her. She looked over at him and smiled.

He flashed a goofy smile and she just died laughing.

Austin looked at me smiling. He leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, "They'd be cute together."

I nodded in agreement, "But I thought he had a girl?"

"He does.."

I just shook my head.

He gave me a sweet kiss.

When we returned our attention to them we noticed that they had just endured a quick kiss of their own.

Man..Kayla sure can get around.

Sorry for the late update!
So what's up with Kayla?

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan Fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें