Chapter 5

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The next day at school I thought I was about to drop. I stayed up way too late on a school night which was just my stupid mistake. I took notice that I was starting to make 'friends'. Which all were girls and two of those girls happened to be Cassidy and Lani. I wasn't going to bother with telling them off or anything. I knew as soon as they found out that Austin and I were dating things would go back to normal.

I was heading to 6th hour when I noticed that Austin wasn't at his locker. I didn't think much of it and expected him to be in the class already. I walked in and took my seat and noticed that he wasn't sitting next to me. I had just seen him at lunch but he walked up the hall to go to his locker and after that he never came back down and I hadn't seen him since. Of course, like any girlfriend would, I suspected the worst. Cheating was the biggest one on my mind. The warning bell rang and he still wasn't in there. 

"Mrs. Vickery, where's Austin?" I walked up to her desk and asked.

"I was hoping you would know Ms. Jennifer. I am going to have to mark him a demerit." She didn't even look up from her desk.

About 30 minutes into class, I asked to use the rest room. I was really going to investigate where he might be. I stepped into an empty room and called his cell. I could actually hear it ring from the cracked door I was standing behind. I stuck my head out into the hallway and followed where I heard the ringing come from. It lead to the Unisex or teachers bathroom. I knocked on the door and there was no answer.

"Austin?!" I pounded the door. But I got no response.

I took it upon myself to walk in. I slightly peeked in before forcing my way through. I seen a half beaten and unconscious Austin laying in the floor.

I shook him, "Austin! Oh my God who did this to you?" He didn't respond. I got a hand full of water from the sink and continuously put in on his face until he came too.

"Wha-What..?" He twitched a little.

"Oh my God! My poor baby! What happened?!" I elevated his head and set it on my lap while I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Ky-Kyl-Kyle and Lo-Logan." His nose was bloody and his eyes were black. 

I felt instant anger run through my body, "No. No they didn't. Why?"

"I guess he's like you and he wanted more." He smiled through the pain I knew he was in.

"We have to take you to the nurse. You're hurt."

I helped him too his feet and took him down the hall too the nurse. I got to thinking about Mrs. Vickery who thought I was in the bathroom. For the first time in my life i didn't care anymore. I didn't care about getting in trouble. But I did care about hunting down Kyle and Logan's asses and finding out what the deal is. 

Austin was sent home for recovery, he was sore and un-able to focus. And for the rest of the day so was I. They wouldn't let me leave with him because I wasn't family. I went to my 7th hour class which not to mention was a class that Kyle and Logan were supposed to be in, but, they were gone too. When 8th hour came I was counting the minutes until we could leave.

When that bell rung, I got out of there faster than I ever had. I threw everything in my locker without a care, got in my car, and went straight to his house. When I got there I lightly knocked on the door. When he answered, he looked a little better than what he did before. But, he still had two black eyes, A bruised cheek, and a banged up nose. I was almost in tears and yet extremely angry at the same time.

"Austin baby! How are you?!" I hugged him as tight as possible not wanting to let go.

"I'm Okay. It's all okay. Come in and sit down." He grabbed my hand and lead me too the couch.

"So what happened, Austin?"

"When I went up the hall to get...something...Kyle and Logan walked up to me and started mouthing about how you were their girl first and I need to back off and I'm a 'faggot'. I lost my temper and knocked him in the face again. Logan grabbed one of my arms and I threw a punch at him too. By this time Kyle had gotten back up and started hitting me while I was off guard. Kyle got behind me and held my arms behind my back while Logan kicked and hit me. I got one arm free and started hitting back but two on one, it's harder than what you'd think."

I stared blankly at him for a second when I leaned over and kissed him. I gave him a hug and whispered in his ear. "At least you're okay."

He let out a heavy sigh and and slid his hand down to my lower back. I looked up into his gorgeous eyes. He kissed me again and slid his fingers through my hair. He layed me back on the couch and was hovering over top of me. he kissed me again more passionate than before and ran his fingers up and down my sides. He slid his shirt off and I ran my index finger down his abs and well toned torso. He kissed me again and I could feel this pressure welping up inside of me. He slid his hand under my shirt and rubbed my stomach. I felt things were about to get intense when we here someone walk into the door. It was his mom and she was screaming for Austin. He struggled to get his shirt on while I flopped around on the couch trying to look natural.

"Austin?! Are you okay? I got a call from the school!" His mom ran into the living room.

"I'm fine mom it's nothing." He looked away from her and at me.

She grabbed his face and turned it towards her, "Austin Carter this does NOT look like nothing. What happedned to you?!"

"Mom, I'm fine. can we just not talk about it please."

I was starting to feel uncomfortable, "I'm just going to head home."

Austin nodded his head and followed me to the door. He stepped outside with me and closed the door behind him. "Well I think I might have some explaining to do. Sorry this is how you had to meet my mom." He gave me a kiss and we said our good-bye's. And all the way home I was thinking to myself on how I can get revenge on Kyle and Logan.


Hey sorry I haven't updated in a bit. Anyways, wow this was a crazy chapter! What do you think about this? Comment and Vote my loves! <3

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now