Chapter 11

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That next day at school, Cassidy made her grand re-appearing. People crowded her like she was famous or something. She had an 'ACE' bandage wrapped around her right ankle. I wasn't for sure if she was faking it, or if she did it the night she almost died. All I know for sure is that she was really milking it.

Austin and I were at lunch when Cassidy 'limped' over to us. I felt my stomach hit the floor. I could only imagine what Austin felt.
She took a seat right next to Austin. I really just wanted to pick him up and carry him away but, I obviously couldn't. She leaned over and whispered in his ear and she had the other hand set on his shoulder. I was trying hard to keep steam from blowing out of my ears.

She got up and walked away. I turned to Austin fast, "What was that? What did she say?"

"She said 'Thank You'.."

I didn't know what to think. She knew it was us. Austin had pushed her away. Pushed her down! I didn't understand why she wasn't furious. But, I wasn't going to complain either. I just hope this isn't an excuse for her to get closer to Austin.

I was walking Down the hallway to eighth hour when I seen Cassidy. She waved and smiled at me. It was all too weird. I smiled and waved back to her. Who knew I'd be doing this with my enemy?

When I reached Mr. Martin's class I noticed Austin was already in there. So was Kayla. I took my seat and looked at Kayla. She raised an eyebrow.

I leaned in towards her, "Cassidy smiled and waved at me."

"No shit? When?!"

"Just a second ago! Right before I came in here!"

She rolled her eyes and turned around in her seat, "That bitch.."

I hit Austin on the the shoulder. He spun around real quickly.

"Did Cassidy wave at you too?"

He nodded, "yes! With a wink and a smile!"

Wait what did he just say? A wink?!
"A wink? I didn't get a wink. What the fu-" Mr. Martin walked in the door. "Fudge nugget.."

Austin burst out into laughter, "Fudge nugget? And she winked because I'm sexy!"

I rolled my eyes and gave him a hand gesture telling him to turn around. He winked at me and did just that.

The bell rung and I packed up my stuff. Austin jumped up and grabbed my hand. Our fingers intwined and I just smiled really big. We had never really held hands before. I loved it.

He walked me all the way too my locker and I put my binder in there. He put his in there as well so we wouldn't have to go back to his locker. We walked out to the school parking lot. I rode with Austin today.

I got in and turned on the radio first thing.

Stereo hearts by Gym Class Heroes was on. I immediately sang along!

"My heart's a stereo! It beats for you so listen close! Hear my thoughts in every no-oh-ote!"

"This song is so old." Austin reached towards the dial!

I grabbed his hand and sang louder, "I only pray you'll never leave me behind! Because good music can be so hard to find.." I grabbed his hand and held it over my heart, "I take your hand and hold it closer to mine!
Thought love was dead but now you're changing my mind!"

He rolled his eyes but he couldn't keep from smiling. He pulled his hand out of my grip and belted out the chorus.

I looked at him and sang with him. Even though it was so simple and something so little, I was having so much fun. I felt so happy!

Heart Attack by Demi Lovato came onto the radio. I didn't too much care for that song so I turned it down. I got to thinking about Cassidy's wink.

"Do you think Cassidy is pretty?"

He made a face, "Well yeah she's pretty. But, you're gorgeous."

"She obviously has the hots for you. And you almost killing her turned her on more."

"Hey! That's not funny. It sounds to me like you're just a little jealous."

"Well, of course I am! You were too with Logan and Kyle! Still are, actually."

"Yeah. So?"

"This is not even worth it. Just never mind!"

He pulled into my driveway. No mom. Of course.

"Austin, will you stay here with me?"

"Sure why not!" He planted a kiss on me.

I walked up to my front door and unlocked it. Austin was following behind me with his hands on my hips.

We walked In and went straight to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed and he laid down beside me.

"You know sometimes I feel like we're married.." Austin stated and kissed the back of my head.

"Do you mean that good or bad?"

"I don't mean it in anyway. Just I feel sometimes like we're married. Our parents are never home and were always alone with each other. I know it's stupid."

I burst out into laughter, "No it's not stupid! Just..odd."

He leaned over and kissed me. Before things got hot, I got up and turned on music. I got a quick feeling that I wasn't ready. It was weird because every other time I was.

"We should wait until the weekend for know? It's only Wednesday!"

"So?" He shrugged his shoulders at me.

"You can't do it in the middle of the week.."

"But it's 'Humpday'!" He winked at me.

"Yeah well..that has no matter. So we'll wait!"

Austin gave me a funny look, "Jen, are you a virgin?"

Well! I bet Jen wasn't expecting that one! COMMENT AND VOTE!❤

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now