Chapter 30

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The next day, I looked like a hobo.

I was wearing a hoodie and sweat pants. My hair was in a bun and I had on no make up. I was wearing house slippers for crying out loud!

My eyes were swollen a blood shot from crying excessively.

But I didn't care. I had no cares right now.

I had no friends. I lost my love.

My mom is never home. My dad is disgusting.

I officially had no one.

Not even Kayla.

It sure didn't feel like a Friday. it felt like Monday again.

Austin wasn't at school once again. But I don't blame him.

I can't walk anywhere around Kay or Alex without feeling their stares.

Like daggers into my back.

I had no one to turn to anymore.

Or maybe I do...

"Hey can you come over?" I texted after school.

Not an hour later, Logan showed up at the door.

"What's up? I was kind of shocked at your text."

"First I would like to apologize for how I look."

"Oh you look fine. Now what's the deal?"

"I need someone to talk to. I need your advice.."

"Why me?"

"Because I know how you are. You're nice. And gentle. And sort of smart. And there was no way I was contacting Kyle."

"What's wrong?"

I told him everything. From Kayla to Alex to Austin.

He looked at me with concern in his face.

"Well Jennifer, you definitely aren't the same person I knew."

"Not helping..."

"I'm sorry. Neither of them will except your apology. If I were you, go all out!"


"Let them know that you know you've done wrong. Buy flowers and chocolates if you have to. Plead to them. Do it in public if needed."

"Ohhh. You think that'll work?"

"Yeah I do. Do it at lunch. So I can see you succeed. And you will."

"Thanks." I smiled and gave him a hug.

"They can't stay mad forever. I mean I couldn't."

"You're stupid." I nudged him.

"Yeah okay. I just gave you the best advice ever!"

"I know!" I smiled.

"Well I think my work here is done. I'll just go now."

"Okay. Thank you again. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Just don't forget to let Austin know I was here..okay? No more secrets."

I giggled, "Will do!"

After this, he left.

I was nervous but excited for Monday.

I was literally counting down.

Saturday was a long and slow and very lonely day that I spent reciting what I was going to say to the group.

I went to church that Sunday and prayed to God that they would accept my apology.

It was a long weekend.

Very long.


I dressed up fairly nice for today. I was the most ready on a Monday than I think I have ever been!

I got in my car and sped to the school. Avoiding cops and stop signs as much as possible.

I went down to the cafeteria to get to the gym. I smiled happily to see Austin came today. Alex, Kayla. All there.

Logan was at the other end of the cafeteria giving me a thumbs up.

I looked at Austin's beautiful face.

To see him smiling? Laughing? Happy?

Not that I don't want him to be happy, but, still.

Why is Cassidy sitting with him?

I felt my confidence slowly slip away.

I ran over to Logan.

"Oh my gosh! Cassidy is with Austin! What's happening? I'm going to hyperventilate!"

"Calm down. Maybe...I don't know. Just go on with your plan! Okay?!"

"Okay!! Okay!!"

I went on to the gym and on through the day until lunch.

Logan sat one table behind Austin and them to keep me reassured and watch me.

I walked down the hall to find only the three of them sitting at our usual table.

I took a deep breath and walked down. Logan winked and gave me another thumbs up and the 'okay' sign.

I nodded to him.

I stood at the end of their table.

They all stared at me.

"Guys. I've done each of you wrong. I'm sorry. You don't understand how sorry I am. I've been a jerk, I've been nosey. I haven't been me. I've changed myself for Austin when he didn't want me to change." I began to shed tears, "I've ditched and betrayed you, Kayla. Austin, I should've kept my mouth shut. Because none of that mattered. I love you. I love all of you. Alex I really don't know you that well, but whatever I have done to offend you or upset you in anyway, I'm so sorry."

I was crying hard. Kayla was crying too.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I'm so sorry." I couldn't

Stop saying it.

Alex stared at Austin and Austin stared at his feet.

Am I forgiven?

I wiped away a tear, "I really am sorry and I miss you guys. And I will do whatever it will take to get you guys back."

Kayla stood up and hugged me. Then Austin. Then Alex.

We all just stood there hugging it out in The middle of lunch.

I embraced Austin's hug the most. I breathed that wonderful cologne he wears so often.

Everyone was watching and Cassidy made her way over.

"So does this mean we aren't talking anymore?" She said to Austin.

I walked over and gave Logan a hug and whispered 'Thank You' to him.

I walked back over to Austin and them.

"I'm sorry about Cassidy, Jen."

"It's okay! Were even!" I patted Logan on the back and have him a tight hug, "See I was talking to Logan."

"No I mean. I'm sorry, because, I think Cassidy and I are better off. And you and I should be friends."

I felt my heart drop 100 feet into the Earth.

"Well you still have me!" Kayla shouted.

Yeah. Great...



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