Chapter 29

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I cried my sleep all night last night.

I cried so much that my eyes are swollen and puffy.

I miss Austin so much.

Why don't I know how to keep my mouth shut? This is crazy.

I drove to school this morning and was hoping Austin was just mad at the moment.

But when I got there, he wasn't even at school.

Alex and Kayla were in the cafeteria.

"Alex, Kay. Have you seen Austin."

"Yeah. Last night when he stormed into the house upset. You really know how to screw people up." Alex snapped. Kayla just sat there giving me the death stare.

"What is your problem with me?"

"I've officially seen you make two people I care about cry. I don't too much care for you."

I made him cry? I felt like I was going to get sick. This is horrible.

Do I go see him? Or do I wait?

But what if I wait and he thinks I don't care?

I'm so confused. And upset.

I really do know how to screw things up.

After school I went to his house.

I banged hard on the door with my fists, "Austin! Austin!?"

His mom answered the door, "Do you need something?"

"I need to talk to Austin."

"My son is up there upset and locked in his room. He hasn't eaten all day. I think you've done enough talking."

She went to close the door and I stopped it with my hand, "Ms. Mahone! You don't understand!"

"I must not because what has my son ever done to you?"

"Do you know what I've been through since he's been around?"

"Well sounds like you're better off then if he caused that much trouble."

She slammed the door in my face.

I sat on his porch step. Crying.

I hear the door open behind me.

"Why are you still here?"

It was Austin, "Austin! Please hear me out.."

"You've got more to say?"

"Yeah! I am sorry!"

He shook his head, "Sorry doesn't take back what you said. Sorry doesn't take the pain away."

Then he slammed the door.

When I got home I laid on the couch. I felt as if I had the flu.

Mom got home and I'm on the couch sweating and wrapped in a blanket crying and holding my stomach.

"Jennifer Ann are you okay?!"

I began to tell her what happened.


I'm not a virgin. Our first sex attempt. Me staying the night.

She took it better than expected.

"You did take it a little fast but what is done is done. You can't take it should've kept it to yourself."

Mom was right.

I never thought of it that way!

How can I tell Austin?

I said I was sorry and he won't except it.

I went upstairs and decided I would call him real fast.

After two rings it went to voicemail. Ignored.

"Hey it's Austin. Leave a message after this beep!"

I melted at his voice, "Austin please! Just call me back!"

I sent him a bunch of texts.

I waited all night and got no call back. Not even a text...

I felt like I was falling into pieces.

A billion little pieces.

What's wrong with me?

I have changed.

But I don't know how to be the old me.

Will I ever have Austin back?

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