Chapter 42

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3 days have passed. I haven't left Austin's side once. I can't. Would you leave?

I feel like it's all my fault that he's even in this position.

Alex and Kayla come in from time to time to check in on the both of us.

Austin's mom and mine usually come in and visit for as long as possible and then leave. They couldn't stay over night like me because of work.

I have cried so much that my eyes are swollen and puffy.

The doctors have told us he has responded to all the tests and he should wake up anytime.

I want that time to be now. I want him to wake up and I see that beautiful smile, smiling at me. Hugging me. Kissing me. Singing to me.

I hold his hand in mine and just stare at how it's not gripping my hand back.

Sometimes I crawl up into the bed with him and snuggle next to his thankfully still warm body.

I try to stay beside him as much as possible.

I want to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up.

I stare at him often. Just wondering what's happening in his mind.

Is he dreaming?

Is it just darkness?

"Can I speak to you for a second?" Dr. Hoover called me out.


"I know you love him, I know you want to be here, but you still have school to attend. You also can't just starve and thirst yourself."

I looked at him in defeat and started to tear up, "I just want him awake. I miss hearing his sweet voice whisper great things to me!"

Dr. Hoover enclosed me in his arms, while my arms just hung loosely.

He pushed me away, "Go out. Get a drink, nourish your body, Grab missing assignments. You need some fresh air. The longer that you stay and wait for it to happen, the slower time will go and the more depressed you will feel."

He left the room saying that.

I stood there staring at him.

"I'll be back, baby." I whispered to him.

I grabbed my purse and left.

I decided while I was out that I should grab some clothes to stay over night. I have been in the same pair of clothes since the day I came in. I've showered once.

I sat out in the parking lot, hesitating whether or not I should go. My growling stomach told me I should.

I made a stop at Dairy Queen and headed back to myself.

I packed one weeks worth of clothes into my duffle bag. Toothbrush. Hairbrush. Charger.

Forget school work, there's more on my mind than polynomial functions.

On the way up to Austin's floor, I stopped at the gift shop and got Austin 5 helium balloons and a few very pretty daisies.

I arranged them beautifully and too where he would see them immediately.

I got up to use the restroom that was in Austin's room.

"Ew." I said out loud to myself.

I touched my knotted hair and looked at the smeared eyeliner on my eyes.

I washed my face vigorously. As if when I opened my eyes it would all be over.

I looked in the mirror at me clean face. I began to brush my hair.

"Huh?" I heard from the outside of the bathroom.

I opened the door to see Austin's eyes fluttering open.

"Hey! hey!!"

I ran out the door and got a nurses attention.

"What's wrong dear?" She looked at me as tears fell from my eyes.

"He's awake!" I whisper-screamed.

She looked in behind me.

Austin was barely moving but still moving as if trying to wake himself.

She walked out, "I'm going to get Dr. Hoover to look him over."

I shook my head.

I ran over and sat at his side.

I reached over and gripped his hand, smiling and crying.

His hand barely gripped back.

He looked me straight in the eyes, "Do I know you?"

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Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now