Chapter 37

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Tuesday at school was a better day. There's absolutely no secrets. No more sad eyes. Nothing else between us whatsoever!

I dressed to impress at school.

As I walked down towards the cafeteria; Austin, Alex, and Kayla all greeted me with a big wave and a smile.

As I walked over to the table austin pulled me down on his lap and smothered me in little kiss all over my face but on my lips.

Whatever I did, I made him really happy. And I'm proud of that. Because that's all I wanted to do.

That's all I ever wanted to do but I was horrible at succeeding it.

"Austin stop! It tickles!" He kept kissing and tickling me.

I hopped up when I got the chance.

I sat down next to him and laid my head on his shoulder smiling. I knew everything was going to be alright..

After a wonderful day at school, we all made plans for Friday.

I couldn't wait. All of us go out and have fun without baby drama like last time!


The days couldn't have gone slower but I won't say the week was bad.

Austin and I are so reconnected. So together. Close to being flawless.

As for Alex and Kayla. They've never missed a beat. They're happy as ever, As far as I know. Kayla and I are still a little rocky.

We went out to the movies. We goofed off so much that I can't even remember what we watched. Austin and I pretty much had locked lips most of the time, too.

After that we all crashed at my place. Mom was actually okay with it..which was a shock.

We were all up stairs in my room sitting on a bunch of blankets and pillows.

We were all sitting there and talking about pure nothing. And it was fun. We had laughs. No crying this time.

I went down stairs to grab us all a Pepsi in a glass bottle. I popped a supreme pizza in the oven. After going out to eat and stuffing our faces with popcorn, we still ate more.

I was looking out on too the back patio from the sliding glass door. I was gazing at the stars up above.

I could hear everyone upstairs laughing when I heard another noise outside.

I looked out not thinking anything of it at the time. I didn't see anything. Out of sight, out of mind.

The pizza finished and I brought everything up. We chowed down and drank up.

Laughing, fun, and kisses. It was the perfect night.

Me and Kayla made completely up. We hugged and held each other for the first time in what seemed to be forever.

The. We got tired at about 2:30 a.m.

The boys on the floor, Kayla on the trundle, and me on my bed.

I was sound asleep for at least two hours when I feel a sweaty hand cover mouth.

I shook it off thinking it was Austin getting in the bed with me.

"You make one sound, I'll beat the shit out of you."

This was not Austin's voice. This was deep and raspy.

I didn't remember anything after that.

I was the last one to wake up in the morning. They were all sitting there quietly talking amongst themselves.

Austin's messy bed head and sleepy voice in that white tank and gray sweatpants were a total turn on.

I smiled at the group, "What happened last night, you guys?"

"Uhh? What do you mean?" Alex said.

"Which one of you woke me up last night and put your hand over my mouth?"

They all honestly looked confused.

"Jen, you sure it wasn't a dream?" Kayla said.

"No. It was so real.."

They all looked at me. Alex was laughing.

Kayla and Alex bailed at 10:00 a.m that day.

"Hey can I use your shower?" Austin asked.

"Yeah go on!" I smiled at the thought of what was about to be in my shower.

I went downstairs to moms bathroom to shower. As I was undressing, I noticed that In the mirror, I had bruises. All over my arms. I looked down to see my legs in the same condition. Proving that whatever happened last night was surely not a dream.

Confused, I took a hot shower.

What happened to me last night?

Why can't I remember anything?

Who was so rough with me?

I got out looking at my long wet hair to notice a hickey on my neck.

I threw on my clothes and scrunched my wet hair and ran immediately up the stairs to find Austin lying on my bed playing with his phone.

"Well if you were just gonna go shower too, we could've showered together." He winked.

I rolled my eyes at him and smiled.

"Austin. This is serious now."

He looked at me concerned, "What?"

"Were you guys playing pranks on me last night or something? No secrets. You have to tell me."

"No. You went to sleep and Alex wasn't far behind you, I went to sleep, then I guess Kayla."

"Well what's this?!"

I began to show him the bruises everywhere. Then the hickey.

He looked at me with wide eyes.

I looked at him, "I can't remember anything though. What's happening?"

Austin looked worried, "You don't think someone broke in, do you?"

I thought back to the noise on the patio..

What happened to me?

Who did this?


The poor girl never gets a break!

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