Chapter 15

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"Don't you know how to knock?!"

"What are you doing?!"

"I don't know! It itched!"

"That's an awfully weird way to itch!"

"Just go please?"

"We will talk about this.."

She walked and shut my door. This is exactly why I don't do this. I'm just glad I wasn't saying Jen's name or something...

Jen will never know about this.

*Jen's P.O.V*

The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed. And for a Saturday morning I woke up fairly early.

I dressed myself decent and pulled my hair up in pony tail for the first time in a while.

I ran downstairs and made me some eggs and maple sausage links. No one else was home, might as well gorge myself.

I finished up and sat on the couch and ate. I watched Spongebob for a while before flipping over to the music channel.

No good music was playing

I decided to hit up Austin. He probably was just as 'busy' as me.

"Hey babe!"

"Hey there."

"What are you doing today?"

"Probably grounded.."

"What? Grounded why?"

"Nothing. What are you doing babe?"

"Bored I want you to come over."

"Uh okay. I'll ask my mom."

He asked his mom to the side, "Can I go over to Jen's?"

"Are you responsible enough for that? How about she come here." Momma Mahone replied.

"Mom wants you to come over here.."

"Uh well okay then. I'll be over In A bit."

I hung up and went back into my bedroom to do a check up.

Still looking fairly nice. I spritzed on a little perfume and some lip gloss. Not longer after I made my way to Austin's.

I pulled into the drive way to find him waiting at the front door.

"Austin!" I ran into his arms and kissed him like I hadn't seen him in years.

He pushed me off mid kiss, "Lets go inside."

"Uhm, okay."

We stepped inside and made our way to the couch.

We turned on the tv and he smiled at me. He propped his feet up on the table and I propped my feet over top of his legs.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I kissed on him. And then his mother came into the room..

"Jennifer...Austin. I think you two have a lot of sexual tension."

"MOM!" austin un-wrapped his arm from me.

"Have you guys had sex?"

I sat there awkwardly. Noticing how red Austin's face was.

"No. We haven't Mrs. Mahone." I decided to speak up.

"Okay. Well that's good. I just want you kids to be safe. Abstinence is the best way too go, but if you must, always use a condom."

I felt super awkward and uncomfortable.

"Mom. Please."

"Okay kids. Be safe. Be smart."

She walked out of the house and Into the yard. She took off her over clothing to nothing but he bathing suit. She was tanning.

"What the hell was that Austin?!"

"Come upstairs with me."

I followed him up stairs and sat down on his bed he sat facing me on the bed.

"Mom is worried about us having sex."

"No shit?"

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Why all of a sudden does she care?"

"There was an incident.."


"Yeah...and now she's worried about us."

"What incident?"

"Long story-"

"See what you're raging hormones got us into.."


"You played with your dilly dink! AND GOT CAUGHT!"

"No!! Well yeah. I'm sorry.."

I face palmed myself. I had no clue what else to say to him.

"Well if it helps, I was thinking of you.." He grabbed my hands into his.

"Wow...wonderful. Good to know."

I stood up and paced around his room, I can't believe you. You're mother is never gonna leave us alone together. What if she tells my mom?!"

A lot of worry waved over me. Sex is a big thing in a teenagers life. The thing parents despise most even though they probably did it at that age, too.

He would kill me if he knew also, I was starting to want to be one with him.


Hmmm...exciting. Awkward. What did you think? COMMENT AND VOTE❤️

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now