Chapter 32

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I got on my outfit and make up. I did my hair.

And sprayed on loads of perfume, but not to the point where it was over powering.

It was a fairly light perfume anyways.

When I got to school that day, I felt super pretty and confident.

My heart still hurt as did my stomach. But I didn't let that show.

I can't show that I am weak and vulnerable.

Before gym, everyone was sitting in the cafeteria. As usual.

Cassidy was sitting beside Austin.
Kayla was sitting beside Alex.

Then I realized, where will I sit?

It's an un-even number.

There are now five of us.

I walked over to Logan, who was eating a muffin.

"Logan...I need reassurance."

"What's up?"

"I'm the fifth wheel."

He looked towards them. They were all starring back. Wondering why I was with Logan.

"Well, just go over and sit right beside Kayla. Look Austin in the face. Let him know he is missing out on you."

"Oh thanks!" I gave him a quick hug.

"Anytime." He waved.

I walked back over taking in a deep sigh.

I felt a shiver go down my spine as I watched Cassidy gaze at Austin with pure love in her eyes. I was afraid.

"Hey guys!" I said as I sat down beside Kayla.

Cassidy smiled at me. As if she had a right too..

"Hey Jen." Austin smiled.

Kayla and Alex both greeted me also.

"You look good!" Kay screamed.

Austin stared, "Yeah. You look nice."

Alex just sat there smiling.

I noticed that both Cassidy and Austin had their hands under the table.

I wondered if they were holding hands but I was to afraid to look.

We all kind of sat there awkwardly. But I think it was because of the tension between Austin and I.

It was so thick you could literally feel it.

I was just waiting for the bell to ring.

On the plus side, Austin said I looked nice!

Finally, first hour bell rung.

Austin and Cassidy stood up.

He kissed her on the cheek, "I'll see you later, Cass."

"Okay babe."

I was in such shock...

'Cass'? 'Babe'?

It's really over. We are really done.

I dressed so nice today!!

I know he noticed, but did he soak it in?

I ran into the gym to change fast and get the day over with.

I went up on the balcony.

Kayla walked up, "Hey."


"How are you taking...uh.. Well you know."

You could tell things were still a little awkward between Kayla and me.

" would you take it?" I giggled sadly.

"I know it probably hurts really bad. And I really am sorry. But I can honestly tell you, he still loves you."

"Then why is he with Cassidy."

"Maybe he didn't wanna hurt anymore.."

I started crying, "I never meant to hurt anyone. You know me! I would never purposely hurt anyone."

"I know. It's okay Jennifer..."

"No...I'm afraid that it's not okay."

Kayla nodded, "Well, I really hope things get better for you."

"Me too."

She walked back down to the gym floor to be with Alex.

I walked to the edge of the balcony and held on to the edge.

I watched Austin play a little one on one with Alex.

I've never seen Austin miss so many shots.

Something must be on his mind. But what?



I almost couldn't take it.

At lunch, Cassidy took her new place beside Austin.

I took a place beside Logan.

"Jennifer? Go sit over there! He's never gonna know what he's missing out on if you keep coming over here with me.."

"He's officially replaced me."

"How do you know?"

"He called her 'Cass' and she called him 'Babe' and he kissed her on the cheek."

"At least it wasn't the lips."

"It doesn't matter where it was, it was a kiss! How could he replace me so fast?"

"Go over there, ask him to talk. If he agrees, take him to that empty class room and talk to him."


"You know. Whatever is on your heart."


I hugged him and he gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

I got up and made my way to Austin.

I whispered softly, "May I speak to you?"

He hopped right up, "Yeah what's wrong?"

I didn't say anything I just lead him to the empty class.

I spoke up, "So we're cool?"

"Yeah? Why wouldn't you think so?"

"No reason. Is it okay if I ask about you and Cassidy?"

"What are you asking?"

"How long..."

"Since the night you and I broke up.."

I lightly cried, "How-how could you get over me so fa-fast? I don't understand.."

"I texted her out of anger. It meant nothing at first. But she wasn't you.."

I couldn't take the sound of that. I cried hard, "Do you like that she's not me?" I sniffled, "Do you love her?!"

He looked at his feet.

No response. Not a good sign.

Austin had a tear or two also, "I miss you so much. And I feel insane without you."

He started crying hard too. Like a little kid, "I love you so freaking much!! I love you so so much...but you've hurt me so much..."

"I will stop, Austin! I know what I've done! It will never happen again!! Please don't do this to me. TO US! Do you see this?" I pointed to my outfit, "This was for you! I want you back Austin!! I love you!! Please!"

The next thing I know, Austin jumped off the desk and grabbed my face and kissed me.

It felt like years since the last time we had kissed.

We both were crying and kissing. It was like a romantic movie.

But this is reality.

"So what does this mean between us, Austin?"

"I needed one last kiss.."


It can't be last. He can't kiss me just to let me go...

"What are you saying?"

"Cassidy and I are off to a good start. Maybe you should move on too."

"You've already moved on?!"

"No. But I will. And you will too."

"This is Cassidy. You know what she did to me."

"And you've been with Logan. He beat the shit out of me."

"Austin please don't do this. We can make things better. Right now you're making unnecessary pain in the both of us."

"It's done, Jen."

And he stormed out the door.

What did I ever do?

I mean I know what I did, but, I thought I did something right.

I just hope that after that kiss, she smells my perfume...

She needs to know whose he is. And always will be.

*Austin's P.O.V*

She's ripping my heart out.

Especially when I seen her cry.

I lost it. I couldn't take seeing the actual deep pain that I am causing her. Us.

I'm hurting myself just as well.

I'm starting to second guess this whole thing.

Being without her didn't seem to be better off.

But I can't imagine breaking someone's heart.

Even though, I am breaking Jen's..

I don't know how to stop all this madness. Will Jen really change?

She said herself that she doesn't know how to revert to the old her.

I love her so much and she looks so gorgeous in that outfit. The one she wore just for me.

She smelled of light body spray. It was amazing.

In that one kiss, I felt more feelings than I ever have with her.

I truly love her. I don't want to be with anyone but her!

But I am so afraid of her hurting me again. Because when she does it, it's like acid being poured on my heart as it's being ripped out of my chest.

It's almost as if she doesn't even care about me.

I feel that she does, but she doesn't too much act like it.

I know I haven't exactly been a saint through all this, but she's with Logan!

The guy who beat the living hell out of me.

Cassidy never beat on her. Ruin her life maybe.

But they're sort of friends now..

I love Jennifer so much.

I want her back.

Shout out to @lilllllllllllymm for her kind words! :)
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