Chapter 3

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"Kyle?" I said to myself out loud. What kind of joke is this? He misses me all of a sudden when I start to be happy with my life again. I already was thinking about ways to get out of going to school tomorrow. I had so much ahead of me. First, Kyle and them started their shit about Austin and I at the park and God only knows what they were saying.

I couldn't debate whether it was worth texting back or not. So I took a chance. And the plan is to make it short and sweet.

"What?" I replied blank minded.

"I miss you Jen lots. Logan does too but he a pussy boy. I just wanna c u babe." 

"I don't think that's a very good idea. Also i heard about you telling everyone about me and austin."

"Leave him behind he isn't worth it and i have a feeling you know that"

I didn't want to have to mess with this tonight. I turned off my cell for the first time in a really long time and I sat it on my bedside table. I almost wanted to cry. I wasn't torn or anything. There was no way on earth that I was going back to Kyle. He had his chance. We dated for almost a year and he decided he didn't want me. Then I met Logan. Logan isn't really a trouble maker but Kyle is. I didn't want to go to sleep because I knew that when I woke up in the morning, it all was sure to begin.

I woke up the next morning wondering if I should dress to impress or dress for what might be the worst day of my life. I decided I would wear a red plaid 3/4 length sleeved shirt with white tank and dark blue skinny jeans and 'Ugg' boots. Eye liner, lip gloss, and light perfume. I grabbed my car keys and headed out the door. I felt my palms getting sweaty as I got closer to school.

I met up with Kayla in P.E. Unfortunatley, I was one of the few that got stuck with 1st hour P.E. Her and I were running our laps and talking about Austin when suddenly I feel arms around my waist.

"Austin!" I squealed of excitement. "What are you doing here?"

"I switched some of my classes so we could be together since we don't see each other until 8th hour." He smiled at me big.

"Well this is embarrassing. I look awful in P.E. uniform with my hair just thrown up."

"No. You look beautiful all the time." He smiled again "I'm going to shoot some hoops. Talk to you in a few." He sprinted toward the metal basket of balls

I felt my face get hot when I then heard a screeching in my ear. It was Kayla. I had almost forgot she was standing there.

"Ahhhhhhh that is so sweet!" She was screaming.

"I know but you don't have to announce it to the whole gym, Kay.." I rolled my eyes.

Kayla and I were hitting the volleyball around when Kayla hit it too hard and it soared over my head. It rolled towards Austin's half courst basketball him and a few of the guys had formed. I ran over quickly to stop the ball to keep it from rolling into their game. I stood there for a second watching. Austin was really really good. Just as good and almost better than some of our star players on the Basketball Team. 

I walked back over towards Kayla. "Do you see him?"

"Who?" She turned her head towards the game.

"Austin. He's super good!" I pointed towards him.

Kayla examined him for a bit. She looked at me and shook her head in approval. I smiled and felt butterflies in my stomach. Everything he did made me like him just a little a more each time. The game was over and Austin was walking towards me. He was covered in sweat and I could see through his wet white shirt. He had a perfectly chisled body that just showed he worked out. 

The whistle blew and we went and changed back into our normal clothes. I heard the bell ring as I had just got done fixing my hair. I ran out of the locker room to see Austin waiting for me by the door. He grinned at me when he finally seen me walking towards. We were walking up to our next class when I spoke up.

"Nice bod" I looked at him and winked. 

"Thanks babe" He looked at me a bit confused.

"I could see through your gym shirt.." I giggled.

"Oh. Glad you liked what you seen" He winked at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We had reached my second class.

It was so hard to focus on my studies when him and his beautiful body was running through my head. 2nd and 3rd hour went by fast. Then 4th hour study hall came. And Austin was in there. So he and I have one full period to be able to talk!  Every girl in that class suddenly was my best friend. So we didn't get to talk too much today and I had never been so jealous in my whole life.

We went to lunch after 5th hour. I was sitting there with my ham sandwich, Cool Ranch Doritos, and Dr. Pepper in front of me. Kayla was sitting in the seat across from me. Along came Austin and he sat beside me. In a way, I felt a little embarrassed to eat in front of him. I was no way near fat but, when I'm eating I feel like a whale. I put the thought aside and just ate slow. We were laughing and talking when Kyle decided to show up.

"You never texted me back last night, Jen." He scanned our table.

"I-I...We-well you see..." I was terrified. I could see the anger in Austin's eyes.

"Back off her Kyle. You had a chance with her. You blew it. Move on." Austin stood up.

"Chill Austin boy. I asked her the question not you. So, why didn't you text back? Huh? Too busy texting your boy toy?"

I looked at Kayla and before i could even answer I hear a thud. I look on the floor and I see Kyle with a bloody nose and Austin with red knuckles. I was at a loss for words. Austin punched Kyle and now he was going to be suspened because of me. A few tears streamed down my cheek as I looked around the lunch room too see who all had seen the event that just happened. Everyone had seen. No one missed it. I felt my face was red.

"Austin. You got to get out of here or turn yourself in or something I don't know you just can't get yourself in trouble.." I was about to panic out.

"Babe, I don't know what else you want me to do? What's done is done. I'll fess up. And I'll only tell the truth...I have a short temper." He was twiddling his thumbs together.

"I'm so worried about you. Austin, if you get suspended from i'll die.."

We heard Mr. Herrmann yell for Kyle. Not much later, Austin. The bell rung and it was time for 6th hour which was the next class Austin and I had together. All I did that hour was shed hidden tears. A little voice in the back of my head was telling me I was being over dramatic. But, I still couldnt shake the fact that i was stupid enough to even text Kyle back. Why? I knew he was up to no good. Why? I had Austin I don't understand why I got so excited about him missing me.

7th hour blew by and 8th hour was nerve racking. about 25 minutes before the bell rang to go home, Austin came inside. He looked at me and I smiled so big. He winked at me and gave me a quick smirk. He sat down in front of me. I wanted to talk his ear off but i kept my mouth shut. Out of no where Austin turns around and looks at me..

"So, you like bad boys?" 

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