Chapter 18

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The next morning was Monday again.

The weekend felt like it went by way too fast. But I was glad it was over.

I really didn't feel like dressing up that day.

But who does on a Monday?

This was different. I still felt bad about the kiss and I was still confused about the reason behind.

Maybe I was over thinking it all. Kayla likes to mess with minds, and she was probably just doing that to me. To be awful. Like how Kayla does..

"Oh shit!" I quietly said out loud. I had already thought to much and had 20 minutes to get to school!

I threw on some skinny jeans that were rip free and a yellow plaid button up shirt with a white tank under it.

I didn't have time to do anything with my hair, so I threw it up in a pony tail and let my bangs side sweep across my fore head.

A little eye liner. Brush my teeth. Lip gloss. Perfume. Mirror check.

For a quick to-do, I looked nice. And still had 10 minutes left on the clock.


When I had arrived at school, I noticed that neither Kayla or Austin was at the breakfast table.

I walked back up to their lockers. Nope. Not there.

I thought maybe Kayl had cheer practice, so I looked in the gym.

No Austin, no Kayla.

Then I see a glimpse of someone at the end of the bleachers. It had to be Austin. They were shoes just like his.

I noticed he wasn't alone.

And the only thing I could think was that he was trying to get me back.

So I know how it would feel to be betrayed like that.

I walked up the stairs to the balcony, instead. So I could peek over and see who. If it was them I'd go down. If it wasn't, I'd search some more.

I slowly peeked over. It was them!

Why were they alone? Why did they need to hide? What are they doing?

I was completely mortified!

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could.

"What are y'all doing?!"

Austin looked at me. Kayla but her lip.

"Well I'll take that as a 'something were aren't supposed to be doing'!"

Austin just kept looking at me like I was an idiot. And I probably was making a fool out of myself.

I took a couple deep breaths.

"Why are you guys hiding from me?"

"Jen..We aren't hiding.." Kayla looked at me.

"You are too! You weren't at the breakfast table! You weren't at your lockers!"

Austin wrapped me up in a gripping hug, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah why?"

"Jennifer! You were late! The first bell already rung!" Kayla shouted out.

"Well then why aren't you guys dressed for P.E?"

"Mr. Miller said we didn't have too today!" Kayla was throwing her arms around.

"Well why is everyone out-"

I peeked out the far away window by all the cafeteria tables to find no one out there anymore and students making their way into the gym.

I peeked up at the clock and I was about 12 minutes late..

"Well if I was late. That doesn't make sense. Why was everyone still out there? And you two were in here. All the way back here?"

"Oh my god! Because we didn't have to get dressed today and we were talking about you!"

I looked at Austin, "Talking about me?"

"Yeah...where you were. And Kayla told me you told her what happened yesterday so we talked about that, too.."

I felt my face get blood freaking red.

"Well. Uh."

Austin kissed me, "You look good today, though."

He and Kayla began to walk away and I stood behind.

"Well is he saying I don't look good any other day?" I whispered to myself.


I got teased for the rest of the day by them.

All I heard was 'Man Jennifer, I've never seen you run so fast!' And 'The look on your face!'

It was sickening. I guess I deserved that after the little stunt I pulled..

I'd rather hear about what I did in the gym than what I did with Alex.

Austin came over that night. His mom was gone, as was mine.

He was laying on my bed.

"So. Were you jealous today?" Austin was already laughing.

"I had nothing to be jealous of. Nothing happened, right?"

"No. But, you flew down those stairs awfully quick! Were you scared?"


"Yup. That's why you were talking at a hundred miles an hour asking about 30 different questions."

"Whatever. Ya know. I was just curious about what you guys were doing."

"And what about that 'y'all' you threw out?! I've never heard you say y'all.."

"You say y'all!"

"Yeah! But you don't!"

He began to laugh. I just sat down in my floor.

He dove off my bed and kissed me. And then began tickling me.

After about 5 minutes of that, he stopped.

"I'm bored." He said to me.

"Well what do you wanna do?"

"Wanna go outside?"

"It's a little chilly."

"We can go back in when we get cold."

He agreed and we went outside. It was dark out. And the moon looked beautiful.

I began to sing, "Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight.."

He smiled and looked down on me. He then proceeded to kiss me.

The next thing I know he was picking me up and spinning me around.

I was laughing loudly and hard.

About the second time he picked me up. We were standing in front if my garage door.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he leaned up against the garage.

We were enduring a very passionate kiss. His tongue kept tracing the bottom of my lip, asking for entry.

I finally let it happen.

Not two seconds after I gave permission for entry, these bright lights are shining right in our faces.

Mom's home.

And I'm straddling Austin..


Well well well...this is going to be interesting. Hope you are all enjoying :)


Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now