Chapter 25

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Monday I woke up and drove to school.

I did my usual routine of shoving everything into my locker and then looking for everyone so I'm not alone.

I walked down to the cafeteria.

Austin was in the cafeteria with Kayla...
And Alex?

Why is Alex here? At school?
What's happening?

I sat down at the table, "Hey guys.."

Kayla looked at me as if I was stupid or something. Which was odd.

Alex spoke up, "Hey!" He ended with a wink.

"Why are you here?!" I blurted.

Everyone looked at me funny. I didn't mean to come off rude.

"I-I didn't mean it like that..just..why though?"

"I'm moving in with Austin."


"I wanna be with Kayla!"

Kayla nodded and smiled.

"Well Kayla, did you inform him?!"

She looked at me nasty for some reason.

Alex spoke up again, "I know already..I wonder about her decision. But, it is her body."

I just sat there quietly. Austin hadn't said anything to me. I guess he was still mad. Or whatever.

I got up from my spot and sat by Austin. I kissed him cutely on the cheek.

He tried to force back a smile but it was peeking at the corners of his mouth.

He kissed me back on the lips. I giggled.

"Want me to walk you to class? The bell is about to ring." Austin asked.

"Yeah!" I shouted.

He grabbed my hand and we walked up the hall way.

When Alex and Kayla were no longer in sight I turned to Austin, "What is happening?"

"I have no clue. Alex is...weird with Kayla."

"I wouldn't say weird..I mean it's no difference from me and you."

"No you don't understand. He wasn't this way with his other girl."

"Maybe he's really in love?"

"Or maybe he's love sick."

What he said made me mad. So I just didn't reply.

We go all the way up the hall before
I realized we walked the opposite of our first hour class.

"Austin. We need to be in the gym."

"Shoot. Let's go."

We were heading back down when we heard loud talking coming from a dark empty class room.

"She killed my baby. So I'm going to kill her."

"Dude, stop. You're acting a fool!"

"You don't get it! You don't understand!"

It was Kyle and Logan.

I wasn't positive, and there was really no way to be sure, but I think Kyle was talking about Kayla.

I turned to Austin, "Kyle is going to kill Kayla!!"

"I don't think he will really kill her. And he never said 'Kayla' exactly. He could be talking about any girl he's knocked up."

"I have to tell her! I know what those boys are capable of. I'm not risking it. I'm sorry."

He rolled his eyes at me, "it's not a good idea to tell her."

We walked back to the gym.

The bell had already rung and we were really late.

I ran into the locker room to change. Austin did as well.

When we were finished, everyone else was already standing in line waiting to be checked of the absence list.

We got lucky we got out in time to be checked.

I finally caught up with Kayla. She was still smiling and starry eyed from being with Alex.

"Kayla I think you're in danger."

She laughed, "What?"

"I think that you're in danger!!"

She continued to laugh, "I don't think you get it. We're not good. I'm waiting for an apology from you. If making up some lie is your way of making up with me, it's not working."

How could I be so stupid? Here I am making a total fool of myself! I didn't think anything of mine and Kayla's fight.

She turned and walked towards Alex who is also in our first hour. Lucky.

Austin walked up and wrapped his arm around my waist, "I told you it wasn't a good idea."

"I forgot all about the fight! She wants an apology."

"Well apologize. You did go through her phone. And sort if probably make her feel like crap."

"She killed a child."

"I'm not going to get into this with you. You know what's right."

I sighed. Because I did know what was right. It is her body. Her choice.

I'm just afraid she's going to regret it or something.

All this is really stupid actually.

Austin stood behind me and wrapped me in the tightest embrace.

I got a slight chill as he kissed my neck, "Make up with her, babe."

I turned my head to him and we kissed a passionate and long kiss.

My spine tingled and my heart beat fast.

He spun me around to face him and we endured another kiss.

I felt myself get excited. So I pushed Austin away.

He smiled an almost devious smile at me.

He rubbed his hands together, "I can't wait to get my hands on you.."

I smiled, "Go play basketball."

"Well what are you gonna do if I do that?"

"Get guts to say 'sorry' to Kayla.."

"Good girl." He winked.

He ran over to play basketball with the other guys.

I sat my butt on the bench, thinking.

What shall I say to her?

When should I say it?

Will she accept my apology?

I knew I was probably making things worse in my head than what was really about to happen.

I seen Alex walk over to play basketball with Austin.

Kayla sat down and was watching and cheering on Alex.

I thought then was a good time to go.

I got up and made my way to her.

I felt my stomach knot up and turn.

I sat down right beside her...

"Kayla? I'm so sorry."

Speaking of sorry....I apologize for the delayed update!
How do you think Kayla will react?
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