Chapter 43

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What did he mean?!

"Austin! It's Jennifer! Jen?"

He looked at me with squinted eyes, as if I was an abstract painting; trying to figure me out.

He smiled, "Jennifer, you're a beautiful girl. What's your last name?"

I started crying even harder, "Austin! It's me! You know who I am!! You know!"

I was gasping for air.

Dr. Hoover stepped in.

I began yelling at him, "What's wrong with him?! Why does he not know who I am at all?!"

Dr. Hoover stepped towards Austin, "Do you know your name?"


"Austin what?"

"Austin Mahone."

"How old are you?"


The doctor turned to me now, "I think it's just a short term thing. Give it an hour or so. He'll fall asleep again and be good as new."

I was shaking with fear. This isn't right. This is all my fault!

"So, Jennifer let me get to know you." He winked.

"Well my name is Jennifer Tucker. I'm 16. I'm your girlfriend."

"My girlfriend? what happened?"

"Austin maybe you should just nap."

"I am a little tired."

"Yeah let's nap. Okay?"

"Okay." He patted my hand that was still gripping his.

He got about as comfortable as you can in a hospital bed. I was on the couch underneath the window.

We both fell asleep.

*7 hours later*

We both took a long nap. And I mean a LONG one. I woke up before Austin did.

I thought about it. I felt like I was in that movie with Channing Tatum. Where his girlfriend forgets him.

But hopefully when austin awakens, all will be well again. All I can do in this time of need though, Is pray.

Austin finally woke up again.

I raced to his side.



"Are you alright?"


"Do you know who I am?"

"Jen? Duh.."

I smiled at him and just began crying.

"Austin! Yes! It is me!"

Austin tried to laugh but was still really sore, "What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

"No. But do I want too?"

I shook my head 'No' to him and gave him the most gentle hug as possible with a little kiss.

"I'm so hungry!" he yelled out, "hadn't anyone been feeding me?" He smiled.

I laughed at the sight of my baby. My Austin.

It's time for a little less drama and a little more happy times.

But, we still have too testify in court as long as Austin's okay. But what if he can't remember anything?

Will we be able to put that scum bag, Brantley in jail? I mean really?

You have me testifying but, he and I had a rocky relationship they could easily think that I was lying.

Austin is really my only hope to keep me safe.

Later that evening, Dr. Hoover informed us that Austin had to stay one more night for examining and then could be released in the morning.

*Austin's P.O.V*

Even though I had been asleep for so long, I was still so tired.

My stomach also sounded like it was going to eat me. Even though I had just ate.

"Do you want me to go some where and get you more too eat? I can go!" Jen was all in my face. I could tell she was concerned for me.

"No it's fine, babe."

I couldn't believe Jen stayed with me all this time, too. I love her so much for that.

Every time I looked at her she would smile and look away, like she had this little school girl crush thing going on. It was too cute!

I patted the side of my bed, signaling for her to come over.

"Lay down with me, baby"

She tucked her hair behind her ear and laid down in the bed with me.

She looked up at me with admiration and so much love in her eyes. I couldn't help but to wrap my arm around her and kiss her.

I wanted to lay like that forever.

I didn't care if we were in a hospital, I knew we were better off there.

Once we go back and enter that outside world, it all goes back to reality.

More drama.

Less of seeing Jen again because our mothers will never trust us.

And having to testify against the shit head who out us here.

What worries me is that I can't remember anything from the crash.

What if Brantley doesn't get sent to prison because of my lack of memory?

Will Jen and I be safe?

Merry Christmas!🎄🎅
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Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz