Chapter 6

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I was sitting in the living room after arriving home and telling my mom all about what had happened to Austin. Mom was not too happy about it and she hasn't even met Austin yet.

"If his mother does not call the school about this, than by golly I will! That's so stupid! Why did no teachers go looking for him? Agh! Those boys deserve to be taught a lesson, too!" Mom was throwing a tantrum about the whole thing. It was a bit on the funny side to be honest.

I could also tell she was already taking quite a liking to him just based off of things I had told her. My mom really wants to meet him but, I am not sure when would be the best time. I hadn't even met Austin's mother yet and I was in the same room with her.

I went up to my bedroom and turned on the t.v. I went straight to the music channel. I got up and danced and cleaned my bedroom at the same time. My favorite song 'Chloe' by Emblem3 came on. I went into complete Dance Your Ass Off mode. I was almost finished cleaning when I heard my phone vibrating on my bed. I unlocked my phone expecting it to be Austin.

"How do u like your little boyfriend now" It was a text from Kyle.

"What the hell is you & Logan's problem? You both could have had me whenever you wanted me then suddenly you both want me?"

"I didn't realize how beautiful you were and when he came along i was so jealous"

"You had your chance & you don't get a second one. You beating my boyfriend almost to death thinking that'd make me like you? no. I'm not running back to you & your shit. bye."

"Whatever you'll see."

I slammed my phone down on the bed and plopped into my floor. I was about to have a mental break down. This is the most ridiculous thing ever! He is....They are so frustrating! And what's Logan going to do? They both can't have me. What, after Austin is gone is Logan and Kyle going to fight over me? The two best friends? They're acting like children and I don't believe they thought any of this through.

I wasn't even going to tell Austin about this. Like there wasn't enough tension and drama right now. And he is in pain and stressed already. But, I am going to call and check on him.

"Hello?" He sounded sleepy.

"Hey babe, It's not too late is it?"

"No you're fine I was actually just thinking about you. And how much I missed you."

"Aww! Well I was just wanting to check on you. How are you?"

"Doing way better. Obviously still bruised up and I will be for a week or so. I finally told my mom too.."

"How'd she react to that?"

I heard him sigh, "She wants to pull me out of that school..."

"No...She can't!!" I felt my heart sink 10 feet.

"I never said she would I just said she wants too. She probably won't..."

"But what if she does? What will happen to us? I need you!"

"Jen it's not like you live 5 hours away. You can still come over. We can still go out."

"But....but....Why are you taking this so well?!"

"I just got the absolute shit beat out of me...I don't wanna go back..."

"Okay...That's understandable...Hey what was you getting out of your locker anyways?"

"I was going to wait until we were together..but I wrote you a song.."

I smiled from ear to ear. I didn't even know what to say! "Sing it now!"

"No! You have to wait!"

"Ugh okay...just for you though!" I heard my mom yelling at me to go to bed. "Well Austin baby I have to go. See you later!"

"Bye babe!"

I got on my pajamas and ran downstairs to give mom good night hugs and kisses. That turned into a big hour long talking session. Her and I often did that.

I ran back upstairs and turned on the radio and got all snuggled into my bed. I was almost asleep when I recieved a text...from Logan. I wanted to open it. But, really was it worth it? I stuck my phone back under my pillow trying to act like I never got one. But, my phone kept doing a reminder alert and vibrating. I finally built up some gut and just opened it. 

I found a text that read: Look out your window...

And somehow I knew that I screwed up again...


Hey you guys! Sorry this was a bit on the short side and all. So why do you think Logan wants jennifer too look out of her window? Vote and Comment!<3

Then He Came Along❤ ~~ An Austin Mahone Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now